Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Honestly, I don´t need every season changes, but there is some work to do to make the game an even more outstanding piece of software. If they then stop adding stuff, that would be fine for more. Every 2-3 season some !well balanced! new items (uniques or RWs) would be nice, but if not. Ok with my :slight_smile:

Ok here is a new one. As discussed several month ago here:

For a good reason we only spoke cautiously about RW. Mainly buffing some a little bit (without making them too strong), expanding bases and nerfing the few broken ones a bit.

I would love to talk about adding one new one to utilize really good bases with strong staff mods. I had two items in mind especially 2 OS Claws and 3 OS 2H staffs. Both viable with real good staff mods. For 2 OS claws the updated Wind RW would be viable. So no need to introduce a new one for this use case.

And I´ve think there is room for an 3 OS staff RW between Leaf (Fire) and Memory (ES, Static).

Since I don´t want to lower the value of our proposes uniqes in this lvl range, I´d strive for an generally weak option on a naked 3 OS staff. But maybe viable on a 3 OS staff with the right +3 skills staff mods attached and with a cold them (Leaf=Fire, Memory=Lightning)?

It should have only +1 or +2 all skills or +3 cold skills and only max +25 FCR (less than lvl 28 Razorswitch and Memory RW) . The highest rune determins the lvl req. but Dol, Shael, Sol are useless in this range. So I would go for a lvl 35 Io rune with +10 Vita. And maybe dual Tir (+2x2 MAEK)?

+1-2 all Skills (you could reroll) or +3 cold skills (each sorc only)
+15-25 FCR

  • 10 Vita (Io)
  • 4 MAEK (2xTir)

What else? +3 Shiver armor and +3 ice blast? CtC lvl 5-10 Frost Nova when struck would fit nicely as well?

Do you see any room for this here next to our proposed Chromatic Ire or Skull Collector? Or should that stay unique territory? If not, a fitting name for such a baby? I opt for Cold breath or Cold breeze?

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