Comments on Leap Attacks

  • —travel speed still feels too slow, (especially considering the use of enigma with melee skills). Leap attack travel speed could easily be doubled ( via % per skill level) Particularity in PVP, leap is overly easy to avoid.

  • This skill, considering the delayed attack time ( travel time ) and single attack, is an excellent candidate for “always hits” which the Barbarian currently lacks. An example of Leap Attacks inability to hit - With roughly 24k attack rating requiring 12 leap attacks to land a single hit (hit including block or not block) on a stationary opponent, with AR stating 95% chance to hit (this example landed 1 hit, then 22 direct misses to a stationary opponent, and then 1 hit)

  • The addition of a stun effect upon landing, to allow for a brief window to potentially land a hit if fortunate to have landed in close proximity, would also be a big help. Opponents already have ample opportunity to run / walk out of target during the lengthy travel time, and would continue to (though somewhat lessened) even if the travel speed was significantly increased.

  • Leap has potential to perform as a charge-up skill for Leap Attack, to provide additional bonus beyond the synergy bonus. For example;

1 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+10% enhanced damage per level
2 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+15% enhanced damage per level
3 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+20% enhanced damage per level


1 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+5% magic damage per level
2 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+10% magic damage per level
3 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+15% magic damage per level

or (if skill is not updated to “always hit” and only applied with Leap attack)

1 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+75 to attack rating per level
2 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+100 to attack rating per level
3 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+125 to attack rating per level

Or Some Combination of the above

A defensive bonus (applied during and shortly after leap attack) would also be helpful combined with any of the above ( especially in pvp, you land directly into an attack, with a momentary pause from the leap attack skill further worsening this )

1 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+50 to defense per level
2 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+75 to defense per level
3 Leap (hitting an opponent) =+100 to defense per level

  • Additionally, Leap should have some form of damage associated with it. It does not need to be a a lot. Warcry presents damage while immobilizing opponents, so why not leap? Leap could gain additional synergy damage from Leap Attack, and another skill, such as stun.

I agree with the above. Regarding your ideas with Leap being charge up for Leap Attack, I could see that being cool as well if it promoted a cool Leap barb build style, assuming some of the other issues are taken care of (like always hit, not getting stunned before you land and can make an attack, etc.)

I was thinking last night how it would be cool for PVM if Leap/Leap Attack use made your merc auto-tele to you like when you tele or when he gets to far away. It would prevent some of the “down time” of aura coverage if you use Leap/Leap Attack to jump obstacles and could be another tool in the merc positioning arsenal that doesn’t require tele.

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