Cold Mastery breaks immunities

This is good. Inconsistent “This random thing breaks immunities but not this other, exact same ability” was bad. It’s fixed.


It did affect blessed hammer. I could mow down every enemy except wailing beasts in Hell Kurast. Blessed hammer ignored magic immunity on demons and undead up until some patch, but back in 2012 (not sure) I was still playing Bnet and my hammerdin could only lose to uber/pandemonium/burning souls.

I also played a hammerdin a couple years ago in single player without issue (apart from what mentioned above).

Well except as noted before the fact that you CAN kill them with cold is already an enormous game changer, those numbers don’t tell the full story.
The effectiveness of this “new” function depends on many factors and a hypothetical would be more useful imo.
I think the maximum possible is -280, but this isn’t a realistic number, -250 is if you get a fully cold spec with great gear (not including facets as, not sure how these interract with this, but could make it worse), but to make it clear if you push the mastery (which wasn’t done because extra didn’t help but will be done now) your 160 is not very high eventually.
Say you did 3 min (or 180 second) to kill the pack, but the pack kept 95% of the resist with your CM (not sure if this is the case, but thats why hypo, problem is we have to little info).
Say some else could push the res to 75%, they would take 36 second to kill the same pack, because their effective damage is 5x yours.
As far as I understood CM as it is now does not react like Lower Res or Conviction, how far can it bring down the res and do facets -5% function with it, will it lower the res even more if the immunity is “broken” or will they register Immune (fact that the immunity are still marked as immune makes this pretty unsure I think).
Anyways, the fact that we don’t know the effective res that your pack had, makes it impossible to really determine how effective it is exactly, but to me its clear its pretty damn good and this is added to an already very solid build.

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Well I am a cold sorc and I diddnt notice that, wasnt able to kill any cold immunes with “cold mastery maxed” ???

Neither a friend of me could kill them and he’s also a cold sorc lvl 90 with cold mastery maxxed

Must be magic


The hammerdin old bug was a different mechanic if i remember (due to the damage% for specific types). This is a resist mechanic which is different.

Doesn’t work for me. Mine is maxxed, like level 24-25…

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Cold sorc here with hoto, shako, skulders, spirit mon, 5cold skillers, 3cold amu.

Yet Lord Deus from the Chaos Seal is still cold immune and takes no damage, Nihathalk still is often cold immune and takes no damage… There are also tons of basic mobs that are cold immune that take no damage.

and yes my cold mastery is maxed out -195%


this isnt a bug this is a buff/quality of life


Has anyone played cold with infinity yet?

Yeah, it seems very random which mobs actually take damages and which ones do not.

No it doesn’t lol, I can’t kill cold immunes and all and I’m. 92 cold sorc


If it’s fixed or not doesn’t matter. What matters: it’s a major balance change. The sorc is basically a cheap hammer now.

Why do so many (purists?) think that it’s a good change, when in reality it opens the door to many more balance changes? And why does the sorc needs a buff? Aren’t there other characters that need a buff too???

They should revert it to 1.14d or introduce other buffs for other characters too.

Its not random, its based on how much resist a monster has. Some mobs have HIGHER cold resist then others. -195 for example STILL wont damage anything with 140% cold resist (195 can only break 39%)


It’s 100% a bug or unintended that it breaks immunities now.

Cold Mastery has the same purpose as the other 2 elemental mastery passives. Their job is simply to increase damage/effect of said element.

The real reason behind Cold Mastery having pierce in the first place was not to break immunes. Cold damage has lower damage values overall but is in return given the ability to chill and freeze enemies. This is unique to Cold damage.

But chill and freeze effectiveness is reduced by enemy cold resistance. So the only way to amplify the effectiveness of Cold element as a whole, is to lower the resistance of enemies. By doing this, Cold damage and the effect of chill and freeze is amplified all at the same time.

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Makes sense. Cold Mastery should NOT break immunity, this is a bug indeed.

I’ve been playing a blizz sorc from day 1 and I’ve not experienced any cold immunes taking any cold damage. Is there video proof of this? It all seems hearsay.


its not hearsay mrllama showed this actually working in a video of his. also explains it wont break all cold immuns. which was never working in the OG it just didnt break any of them. now its working the way it was ment to.

stop saying it breaks guys it does not break.
you penetrate it.

but it is stil hard i have 21cm and it takes me ages just to kill a cold resistant mob.

they just should rename it

instead of ‘‘Immune’’ to cold resist


Originally the game didn’t even have Immunities. So Cold Mastery just increased damage.

All the Hell monsters did however have a huge amount of Resist against some elements.

Especially Act4 had Fire resists so high that no one wanted to play a Fire sorc there. Some monsters like Storm Casters did have huge amount of lightning resist which meant that you didn’t really want to waste time to static field them rather than just spam frozen orb.

Lightning mastery originally just reduced mana cost. Lightning was a bit like support tree… teleport and energy shield + the most powerful sorc spell static field which in classic worked down to 1% monster HP with massive range in pre-LoD

Why they brought immunities? I suppose because cold sorcs were so dominant… not because of damage but also because of crowd control. Slowing down fast monsters was a very powerful feature of the cold tree.

So with immunities they wanted more variation. Of course the also buffed some Fire tree spells and Lightning especially with the mastery now boosting damage (nova sorcs!).

I love this change. This is how it should have always been. It is not even that powerful since you can barely break the immunities… Meaning you don’t deal much damage with those high resist still in play.


I don’t care if this is a bug or if it is an intended change.
What I do care about is the fact that 60 people have posted on something that more than 8000 people have viewed, and that in no time in 7 days has Blizzard felt the need to add a post to clarify to everyone, if this is indeed a bug or an intended change. Just 1 post Blizzard, it will take less than 5 minutes.