I Have Played classic diablo 2 and L.O.D since they first came out i was wondering is there a way to bring my accumulated godly gear I’ve saved over the long amount of years over to resurrected. I have A lot of stuff I’ve saved over the years between 2 accounts and was hoping there is a possibility on doing this. I’m going to asume no but figured i would reach out and ask.
Thankyou to anyone who can give enlightenment to this hope its a possible idea lol.
Probably not. They are not the same game because they run on totally different versions of BNet. D2R runs on BNet2. D2/LOD runs on original Bnet.
Ahhh that’s a bummer if i were to try ask a dev or forum leader if they could switch or know of a way too switch it over how would i go about that if i can even reach out to someone asking like is there a way to do it maybe, have to pay a conversion fee etc… I’m probably blowing smoke here in a desperate cling to hope lolzzzzzzz but i dont wana let near just under over 20 years of things i grinded from flutter away lol. I appreciate the response and info cause i did not know that originally
Why would you wanna play that fraudulent inferior version just stick with the one you’ve been playing the better version, Diablo 2 “Ruined” Is a Fraudulent butchered Version of a masterpiece
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