Class disparity is bad - Look at twitch

For the last 5-7 nights or so, I’ve checked twitch throughout the night.
Tonight, there are the following amount of streamers;


I’ll continue to monitor and even post replies with updates each day I remember to, but this has been the way twitch feels just about every day morning or night, and it’s pretty safe to say that the general playerbase is about evenly distributed.

This should serve as a clear sign that something is fundamentally wrong with class balance/enjoyment. I know what the problem is but to remain unbiased, I’ll refrain from saying because most people play these classes because they prefer the lazy way so I’ll just get bashed for saying it.

Either way, it’s pretty undeniable that class balance is horrific, and there has to be a reason for that.


As long as we have Teleport skill, it is no brainer that if you dont want to be left behind by others you should start with a Sorc and farm out some gear for your other chars. You dont need gold to use the skill, just gallons of mana potions that you can even find, so you dont even need to buy them, and even the cost of them is insignificant.

If Teleport as a skill was removed (both from Sorc skill tree and Enigma), there would be somewhat less Sorcs out there, but that alone would not solve the underused classes problem. Sorc is a really powerful class even without Teleport, especially with the introduction of these stupid Sunders.

I am not saying I want xy changes, it was just my observation.


Druid is kind of suprising, i would expect barb higher and assa+druid on the bottom.

Definitely, they need to do more skill changes.


Wrong. Does this look as ladder start? No it doesnt, its end of season. People generaly play what is enjoyable. This has nothing to do with teleport. If they will do some skill changes so many builds is not struggle to play without top equip, people will play them more.

I dont start with druid because he doesnt have teleport. I dont start him because most of his builds struggle. And if you struggle, you cant MF/ runefind well.

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Back in June last year I counted how many level 97+ characters there were for each class and the results were similar.

  1. Sorceress: 712 / 45.1%
  2. Paladin: 514 / 32.5%
  3. Amazon: 170 / 10.7%
  4. Barbarian: 71 / 4.5%
  5. Necromancer: 39 / 2.4%
  6. Druid: 37 / 2.3%
  7. Assassin: 36 / 2.2%

Big drop off after sorceress, and a huge drop off after Paladin. Necro, Druid, and Assassin being all about equally unpopular.


Funny to see the numbers though. :slight_smile:

I always start with summ necro and for me he is one of the easiest hero to go the game through as he don’t need close to any gear to pass hell.

I tried druid and assassin, they are hell to level and pass some parts of the game without higher level character feeding them equipment.


well, i can say for myself that the main reason sorc is enjoyable for me is tele
i dont claim this to be the rule, others may enjoy playing sorc for completely different reasons

I get it but doesn it mean you dont enjoy other char builds who dont have teleport?

I think that’s kind of the point. Why are only 1 or 2 classes even considered viable for early game? That’s what a disparity is. If you’re starting other characters specifically for 1 or 2 niche reasons, it’s either overpowered, or provides a benefit over other classes that make those other classes clearly less used for a reason. In this case, the numbers show it.

The only thing pallies and sorcs have in common is how their builds are nearly identical in about 90% of ways, so much so that you can barely tell the 2 apart in a lot of cases, and both play more efficiently with teleport than any other classes due to the nature of their abilities.

The commonalities of the 2 most played characters has to make people realize it’s time for this to end. I’ve started opening streams, and if people are playing pallies or sorcs, I just instantly leave (been doing this for MONTHS), because it’s all anybody plays and it’s incredibly boring to watch. It’s the same exact thing over and over.


tbh, i usually only start “enjoying” them once i have tele

add zerker on that list, which is basically a caster

yeah, thats the question
i believe we are past the stage of asking whether there is a disparity or not because it is absolutely clear
i also believe we are at the stage of asking ourselves if we want something done about this or if we are satisfied with the status quo

I think i didnt write it properly. Its not what i wanted to say. It was supposed to be :

I dont start with druid not because he doesnt have teleport, but because most of his builds struggle.

For me is fine to not have teleport but builds have to be enjoable not just barely viable.

I love holy aura paladins for example but they steuggle already in late normal. For that reason I will not play them as starting char ever.

This makes more sense because javazons are insanely powerful but not as good at mf as pally or sorc


Yes, that. I would want to start my S3 HC journey with a MA assa, but she need A LOT of clicking, and my wrist and eyes hurt. She levels slow AF. She cannot equip enough MF to find gear. And she dies like a fly on Hell.

So… I start HC with S-o-r-c-e-r-e-s-s … what a surprise.


I like playing fire druid, he is one of the easiest to use (not as strong as others, but still one of the easiest due to his summons and aoe skills). Still, I am frustrated that I cannot teleport as easily as Sorcs can.

Items with Teleport charges are absolutely not fun to use, plus you always need to go to the blacksmith to repair them and it costs you extra time and lot of golds. It takes away a lot from the fun factor. Maybe if they replenished like unique javs, but that is a different story.

And Sorcs are not only good because of Teleport, they are good beause of all other skills and this is why I wrote “somewhat less Sorc”, because people would still play it even if there was no Teleport in this game.

In other words, without Teleport and some more balance changes I bet the whole starting/endgame meta would be pretty different. Still, this is just an observation, I like the game as is now.

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best way to get character stats is make a new character on the ladder and check the position of your level 1 character on the ladder for each character

Yeah I mean fire druid got a lot of love seen a ton of them running tombs on But my meteor sorc still blows them out of the water as far as efficiency is concerned.

•While the fire druid needs enigma, I dont.
• Druid cast frames are seriously bad
• all things considered Sorc still does significantly more damage at full build than druid. I can run ubers with ease with obsession and my ES hybrid build makes me far tankier than a druid in these situations.

That’s not even considering how terrible the sin and necro are looking these days. I think only the die hards myself included run them. Bring them back to parity is just adjusting damage numbers and much needed QoL bug smooshing. Oh yeah and F hammerdins, don’t be a coward uncouple the synergy of hammers and concentration. It’ll still be an A tier build. 12-14k hammers vs 8-9k.


Necro best class in the game tbh.

Army of minions, almost impossible to die. Huge AOE damage. Lots of MF gear too.


when boosted yes, maggot lair, arcane sanctuary hell solo…kill me

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yeah… i dont run ML regardless of character. so awful.

Arcane is fine with enigma, Annoying to kill the ghosts on the platform ofc.

Tele stomp it dont matter.

Play another game
Simply that