Character missing after exiting game

Character : CoeurDeGlace
Lvl : 71
Class : sorceress (with good gear)

That game is full of bugs it is a shame, I lost my character, after being locked out servers during 10h. This is one of the worst gaming experience in my life.

Lost charather after dc
battletag : Bakaike#1793
charather name : paladini lvl 51
NA server

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Lost my lvl 76 barb Online

Guys They’ve made it clear they’re performing service, They’ve given a time frame of 10:30 pdt to 1:30 pdt, It’s likely in relation to that. Just play sp, or give them time It’s only day 3 They’re working on it.

Lost my character apparently.
Loaded the game up and i have no characters.
Will they come back?

Lost my beloved Barb lvl ~19.
He was my first Barb.
I wish, I can see him again :pleading_face:

Same here. Lost my offline sorc and online necr. What’s going on? How get my charathers back?

Well, we have to wait, it seems. Mine are as well all gone.


I lost all my characters after disconnecting.

Any support? When will my heroes return?

Game crashed when quitting, then restart and all online character are gone. Nice piece of xxxx job Blizzard!

I’ve already got mine back guys <3 Be patient

Same, I tried to start a game and it said my character was not found, so i restarted the game and now both of my characters are gone. Not sure what happened i was just playing a couple minutes ago prior to it happening. I had a lvl 23 or 24 assassin and a lvl 8 necro. please fix

Same here during today’s maintenance. My 2 chars was deleted.

GUYS!! Make a new character in online my sorc came back after I did

My character is also missing. I played alone on the network and today the character disappeared. Played for several days, there were no problems. Almost completed the first act. How can you start playing again if you know that all your progress can be lost at any moment?

No need to make a new character.

My sorc came back on her own, but now I can’t create a game. I assume everyone is doing the same thing, overwhelming the servers.

Patience. That’s all. :frowning:


Same here. Lost my sorcerer. Finished the first act, then saved and closed the game. Once I’ve back - my character has disappeared.

Update: my chars are back stay calm and wait guys.

Mine to. But only the Online Char.