Cant see in-game chat

Hello I can’t see in-game chat. I say stuff and I know others can see it but I can’t see anything.


Literally the same for me. Ive tried so many things recommended online and NOTHING works.

Are you by chance a conservative or unvaccinated? Im starting to think its intentional censorship.

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Bumping this post. Same problem for me and zero blizzard responses.

ROFL!! I actually bursted out laughing.

Same thing for me. Can we get an answer as to what the hell is going on? Another scheme to destroy the game so the neckbeards return to fantasy land WoW? Anybody have an idea how to correct the issue because blizzard obviously don’t give a shat

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For what it’s worth i’m also having this issue. Only started happening tonight.

thats one of the normal ones. who cares, you can play the game. wait for all your characters to disappear.

Literally been having this problem since day one of beta AND launch…Made a bug report already and no response. Is this being fixed or what? Game is so lonely being stuck in a void…

That’s how I feel lol.

is blizzard going to fix this problem its something to do with the game you make cause if you close game chat works but if you go back into the game the chat stopped working in, it will stop working again and then you have to close game again to get chat to work.

Mine just doesn’t work. Period. I can’t chat to others (they can see what I am saying) but I cannot see anyone else chat to me.

also have same issue any word on fix??