Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

So, if it is purely subjective, you can get fun from something, that doesn’t affect you? Nonsense.
Choose, please, if it doesn’t affect you, or if it is “fun detected”.

There are literally ZERO other modern ARPG with such hardcore immunity system. And people have no other option to play this way. On the other hand, there are MULTIPLE other modern ARPGs suggest “fun” of “clear the whole screen” flavour.

Wanna keep going?

Cold Mastery being able to pierce cold immunes might not be such a bad idea. It gives the Sorceress a way to (slowly) kill most cold immunes.

I have a lvl 72 Blizzard sorc in Hell difficulty with only +2 to all skills with her Spirit sword, maxed Blizzard, Glacial Spike, Cold Mastery and working on maxing the others. There are some Cold Immunes that she can’t kill, while other CI monsters can take a very long time to kill, some of the weak CI monsters only take a few hits to kill, but no CI monsters are instakilled. Not exactly efficient for farming, but at least allows slow progression through the game.

Once I get more +skills on her (recently found a white Monarch that I’m going to blow a Larzuk socket quest on :smiley: ), yes the killing speed will be slightly increased, but I don’t see it as being a huge problem.

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I’m just wondering how a 37ish CM, Cold facet, infinity helper sorc maybe with Nightwing and Death Fathom for good measure is going to perform. Anything under a natural 150 resist should melt.

If a monster has more then 130% cold resist, its most likely WILL still be cold immune even after CM since you need -155% to break a 130% cold resist enemy (of which there are a LOT of monsters with 130%+ Cold resist).
Personally due to the sheer number of cold immune enemies in the game along with a lot having 130%+, the CM change is fine as it takes a little of the edge off the number of Cold Immune.

And I will still like to point out, Infinity (i believe its called without looking it up) has worked like this with its -Lightning Resist where it can break immunities without updating the tag (was much harder to see due to being a much lower -lighting resist with the 5/1 ratio).


If you want a hardcore experience, why aren’t you playing HARDCORE? As for the “fun detected” part, that’s a meme that’s been around for ages as developers (namely Blizzard Entertainment) promptly remove anything that can be perceived as fun by their players. You not knowing that leads me to believe that you’re either a) insanely old and out of touch, or b) willfully ignorant. In either case time and effort is wasted on the likes of you.

Fact of the matter is that the Cold Immunity thing is what it is. YOU may not like it, but then again maybe this game isn’t for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Honestly I like that it opens up some options for group play with necro/pally. Lets be real though… it’s not like even with this you’ll ever touch the kill speed of a Hammerdin or twinked out Zon anyway… and doing 5-60% damage to a few cold immunes solo is hardly something half the other builds in the game can’t top anyway.


I appreciate the debate, but no need for insults. Keep it civil. It’s fine to have an opinion either way, but the fact of the matter is, we don’t know whether this was intended or not. You also can’t act like you are in the right just because you believe that the game is better for it.

There are logical reasons you can use to justify either side of the argument. But, I do believe that the original mechanics are what D2R needs to answer for. So by default, CM is currently performing incorrectly based on the source material. Unless we are told otherwise by an official source and given a reason for it, then D2R is incorrect in its CM behavior.

This CM “buff” increases the power level of cold sorc by a decent margin, and I agree with many that they are already strong enough. But at the same time, this CM change opens up new build depth and farming opportunities for the cold sorceress. I enjoy playing cold sorcs more than just about any other character so this benefits me hugely. So I am fine with this either way and I would understand if this were a bug and reverted, because it’s pretty powerful on a Blizz or Orb MF sorc.

Yea, this is what I was experiencing in D2R…

Doesn’t this new and “improved” version of Cold Mastery also stack with Lower Resistance Wands and Conviction Auras???

If you stack all three… Would that be good???

Which one breaks the immunity first? Because if its the Curse or the Aura that would allow Cold Mastery to work at full effect, wouldn’t it??? Conviction at full effect is pretty good too you know.

Also Random Unique Monster Modifiers like Cold Enchantment and Magic Resistant… Wouldn’t they create Cold Immunities that could easily be broken when they previously weren’t??? But a Fire or Lightning Sorceress doesn’t really get that luxury not for free at least.

This doesn’t seem like a minor change at all!

No, it wouldn’t, broken immunities are reduced by all spells at 5 times lower rates than expected, even if stacked.

Does Cold Mastery count as a spell? or is it like the -resistance you find on gear which applies after the immunity is broken.

Ah yes, good question, would need to test that…

Don’t know, probably, this comes from WoW or OW? I know only WC3 and D2 memes (actually, only 2 blizz games I play).

Little off topic but have people checked if damage and skills still hit and work identical to the original game? Like blizzard hits and ticks the same as d2 did
Maybe it’s the animation but it feels like blizzard doesn’t hit or work the same

Cold damage also needs more to break immunity than, say lightning. But Light Sorc being able to break immunities easier than everyone else didn’t stop other builds from existing. And people played other builds pre-LOD when CMastery broke immunities like it was always indented to.

Though as far as nobody gets better. Pallies do. Conviction aura is a touch higher than cold mastery and lowers cold, fire, and lightning res for everyone . It’s the main aura for builds like Dreamadin.

And honestly, no builds compare to Hammerdin who barely has any immunities to deal with in general and can breeze through most of Hell dif with minimal gear. And geared they’re arguably the best boss farmer in the game. If Hammerdin (that’s still king) didn’t make everything else pointless to play, cold sorc breaking immunities certainly won’t.


It doesn’t break every cold immune, some it gets through, most it don’t

Either way, 20 years ago till today, immunity mobs are terrible.


The really sad thing about people who are against the change don’t seem to realize Cold Mastery did nothing - absolutely nothing - after a certain level, because you couldn’t have a mob with negative resists.

If they allow negative resists, Cold Mastery could go back to the way it was, I suppose, but obviously something needed to be done.

It's like they've lost all common sense because they fixed a skill that was obviously broken. If it needs to be further balanced now that it *does* something, I'm all for it. I love balance. 

It’s hard not to be contemptuous of these people who simply can’t reason out WHY it had to be changed.


Instead of comparing the cold sorceress to the best build in the game, why not compare her to some of the worst? How about a Fire Druid? how does his elemental damage stack up to a cold sorceress? Wait you don’t think that’s relevant? Why not? Could it be that fire druids are so far down the tier list that they don’t even factor into the Meta? Hmm, why is that? Could it be that the top builds are too far away powerful? And maybe just maybe widening that gap isn’t a good idea? I wonder.


I really hope they keep cold mastery the way it is … If not well i’ll just respec back to lightning instead since lighting can still kill imunity with infinity and cold can’t.


If the Cold sorceress is currently better than a Lightning sorc with Infinity, without the need for Infinity… What’s the point in the other skill trees? :speak_no_evil: