Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

Literally any build could do that. This game isn’t that hard. Just pick your fights right. How many 85lvl areas we have? If in end game CI still cannot be broken there than that’s fine.
Whole A3 immune to lighiting is another artifictial difficulity level.
You should always be able to brake trash mobs immunites. If we can tickle elites becose of that, who cares?

omg the hilarity that the person saying that is posting on an account with an amazon avatar while i am here doing exactly that on my javazon in hell cows farming for a monarch.


That’s a logical fallacy taken to it’s extreme. Balance is not a synonym for equality.

How does this line of logic that you’ve tried impose upon me, factor in Cold’s chill effect? Or the actual mobs who have immunity and their location in the game? Or different skills mechanics? or the gear that’s available to wear? or the other classes in the game? It takes none of that into consideration. It’s a low resolution way of thinking about game balance.

That said, some monsters cold immunity is too damn high on that we agree but the fix in my opinion is to make minor changes to key monsters resistances not make a catch all passive reduction using cold mastery. After all, where would that leave the Fire Sorceress?

so is if cold can damage things, fire is bad now. but you seemed to think that was logical i am just trying to come up with logic you can understand.

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No you’re trying to come up with a strawman’s argument you can more easily beat, much like the game you’re playing.

na Just speaking truth man buffing cold would not nerf fire and wouldn’t nerf lightning either the only reason not to do it was if it became too op but it isn’t any stronger than lightning with the current method in fact it still does less damage over time so your arguments are just grasping at straws. i can’t help it if you think they were put there by me when in fact it’s what you made your house out of.


Good one. And Good night.

Try that with strafezon next time :wink:

why are you guys acting like the cold immunity damage breakthrough is actually viable damage, you dont do enough damage to the mobs to make them farm-able. All it really does is make it less annoying to level in act 1. After act 1 the cold immune mobs are still 100% cold immune, in my experience, as i havent killed every mob type in every act. This is in hell btw.


Oh silly Sorc, only good for doing Tele to Meph. The Irony.

I’m fine with this if they do a balance pass for S2.

Legit not a single reason to play anything than Cold Sorc atm outside Ubers.

If youre operating under that assumption youre blowing this out of proportion. actually play a cold sorc and go farm all the cold immunes in the game and see how overpowered it really is. Hammerdins are god mode even without enigma. That hasnt changed since the launch of 1.10.


Hdin is a problem too but you need a 30k FG setup on it to do what an average geared Cold Sorc can on it bare a handful of areas.

The game having only 2 classes is boring.

ele druid is great, zerker barb is great, smiter is great for ubers, zealers are fun early ladder for trav. Javazons are a blast for farming cows. I cant stand necros or sins but the rest are pretty good imo.

Necro and sin are the most mechanically engaging classes in the game.

Rendered entirely useless because Blizzard and Hammer go BRRRR and everything dies instantly.

following skeles around is mechanically engaging? Having to run to river of flame and kill mobs with little to no damage to revive them is engaging? Man idk what im doing with my life. Psn necro is ok at best imo. bone necro, the clear speed is horrible. with the gear investment vs what it would take to gear any other spell caster with aoe its just not efficient. Also thats under the assumption you want to farm gear with the char and not pvp. I got burnt out in pvp back in the day when people started getting log bots or town portal bots.

Dropping traps and afking is engaging?


Unless you consider playing the VIDEO GAME for fun…
Or you know personal achievement, goals, challenge…
Basically anything other than a Forum Gold Simulator and they are fine.

Go make a crappy build and see how far you can push it into viability. It’s a LOT more fun that just endlessly farming on a Hdin to get pixels no one cares about.

Tell me you don’t know anything about either class without telling me.

I agree pure summoner and pure trap are boring though. But neither are the most efficient way to play these classes.

But you kinda prove my point, one of the reason something like Bone Necro isn’t liked right now is that its undertuned versus something like Hammerdin that can literally be played using your mousewheel.

Ya you’re probably right, the class system in d2 is so complicated that I wouldn’t understand.
There’s layers and layers to learn over a 20 year period. Blizzard sorc is pretty hard to play too since you have to swap from tele to blizzard 500 times a game unless you want to run around.

I wasnt trying to disprove your point, but this has nothing to do with the “mastery penetration” bone necro sucks for farming regardless of whether or not cold mastery gave you conviction or not. you would need bone spear teeth/multi projectiles like on poe. I think pd2 or pod had an item that made bone spear 2-3 proj right?

Its not that complicated but yeah some classes have some depth to them. One of the reasons stuff like Blizz Sorc and Hammerdin are as good as they are is the fact they lack that kind of depth and just have their whole damage frontloaded.

On PnB for example your main clear spell isn’t even Bonespear, its Corpse Explosion. Spear is there as the enabler. Then you have curse juggling to control packs, pack them up with attract, throw a bone prison, kill a couple mobs with spear, decrep everything and blow up the whole pack in a couple CE casts. Playing like that you can clear any area in the game effectively.

Sin is similar if you build it to have access to the whole toolkit but you also throw in Melee combat intricacies on top of it all, that’s what i’m currently playing.

Sure that’s a lot to manage and most people probably prefer just point and clicking with Blizzard and i don’t have an issue with it if it comes severe drawbacks. Immunities is one of them, if that goes away there’s literally 0 reasons to play anything else than a Sorc.

Hammerdin is just bad design but at least it has the drawback of being ridiculously expensive.