Bye-bye ethereal! Hello Dyes!

Like I was talking about, though, the problem is that it would affect gameplay because of the way morphs work. You get the casting speed, attack speed, and run/walk speeds of that monster.

For instance, I made monster morph sets in LoD, but when I became a Thorned Hulk on my Druid, I walked so slowly it was unbearable. I had to put massive amounts of faster run/walk on the set to compensate. Unfortunately, it’s the animations that cause this.

Ya clearly no one wants a cosmetic, fun reward that hurts the way their character performs. The big thing I wonder is how the community would react to add in game transactions to a game that has never had them.

I think D2 is a good enough game that it deserves new content. I imagine that if they did it well people would play more in public games just to show off their skins, especially if there was some kind of – idk social currency to it?

Forinstance what if a skin recolor unlocked after a number of high runes were equipped or the player killed Diablo Clone- etc. 1000 Baal Kills idk. I think it could drive players to content and open up a whole new way to play the same content.

Its not, just “create” (its almost literally a ctrl+c) another version of that vampire with better casting times and change the set to transform into this version instead of the spawnable mob version


Just add possibility to colour your armor and weapons cheaply. Cube recipe like: Armor/Weapon + chipped gem + scroll of identify.
Simple 6 colors you can get when you first socket a gem to white base armor/weapon.
This function is already in game, shouldn’t take long to implement.

I don’t support crazy ideas of other skins!

I’m against changing color or optic models of equipment!
The appearance would lose its meaning and would be degraded to a cosmetic mask!

If people are complaining about a green leather hat…i’d say the real problem is the lack of a proper alternative! It’s simply too good compared to other helmets (if one does not posess some godly circlet…)

Transformations on the other hand, like MadDog suggested, would be ok, if it works without issues (like trang oul…)
Some other idea would be an additional cosmetic item slot, were you could put in something like Tyraels wings, a halo or some kind of pets which are merely following!