Bug Generated by Battlenet Client: Not correct version of the game

This bug is created by the battlenet client, and it prevents copies of the games stored on other hard drives from booting the game properly. Even deleting the copies, and hard reinstalling on your C:Drive does not properly allow you to reinstall the game and have working copies when this happens. Y Even doing a clean install of the files on C doesn’t actually prevent this from occurring.

Fix your client, i can’t remember exactly when this first bug occured(When you rolled out an update) about 8 months ago. Has been in place ever since. I’m getting sick of having to reinstall this game periodically and there is absolutely no way i’m buying more copies with this still a live issue. Not everyone has amazing internet capacity and unlimited bandwith. Based on my interactions with customer support and the fact that this bug hasn’t been resolved in over 6 months puts my faith in this company at an all time low.

I suspect issue is created by the game going on sale in the store, as this only ever seems to be a problem when it does.