Bring back the 08 Valk, among other rare items

There have been some really cool items that made one godly in LOD.
It would be fantastic to add a whole new level of “rare” items (perhaps in a blue or violet color?) that were supremely rare and powerful.

Valk could be brought back with a rate 1/100th rarity vs Tyraels or something similar.
Occy rings or even an Armageddon Fletch amulet.

These would no doubt add a new level to the game and interest for hunting and trading them.

A hopeless dream at best… Blizzard doesn’t care about this game enough to update it on a regular basis… Let alone get this specific with itemization. It ain’t gonna happen, not from Blizzard, and not with D2:R.

Your only hope lies in the future modding of the original game to include D2:R graphics… Which I believe is a project that is (slowly) being worked on.

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Occy Rings???
If I recall it right.
Back then under Version 1.0x time, we had occy rings.
It had same stats as Oculus orb. It was manipulated by the “Hackers” who manage to transfers these stats from Oculus orb to a ring.
Do I recall it right?

I am surprised that my memory is still working. :stuck_out_tongue:

I disagree with the OP, since it contains bugged/hacked items.

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yes, i’m also sorry for the 6 socket windforce and the 4 socket arkain’s ok? at least i didn’t make those 20/20/20/20 charms like west.

I have seen 4 socket arkaine with 4 x 40/15 ed/ias jewels.
I have never seen 6 socket windforce, but heard of it.
However, I have never seen nor heard of 20/20/20/20 charms.

you were on east then. that’s where i brought in those things.

west was just out of control. not even “fun” over powered items, just largely overpowered. like those white items were just… lol.