Last wish and death were brought up in the ias topic for barbs because in the past you could never use these for whirlwind. Now you can.
All right mate, I get it, we’re just different players and it’s ok, I dont even play ladder fyi
Enjoy the next ladder bro, at least we agree on the 2 handers problem
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and this is very few option and some are very expensive with little meta effect ,
sadly the the negative effects overwhelmed the possive effect for the whirlwind change , and im able to write a full page about it m , the 124% ias increased hurt and close the door to everything for 2 hander and most slower base weapon and the 6 frame to 5 frame ias requirement for the benefits is a joke , btw i have a perfect dead 2 handed dead and is garbage let me show you ok after i ww and touch 2 sometime 3 monster i
m done
this before the dump ww update use too be in 4 frame cap sadly now is garabge and is still nothing strong but back them hit 4 frame with 4 range of reach
both perfect runeword %Ed end in epic garbage for barbarian bnet weapon legit , not single player or edit crap
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Yes man I agree they ruined these nice weapons unfortunately.
I have a 404 ebotd gpa but the only use I have for it is fury druid or merc. I understood the problem from the start
A common ground would be to keep total ias for ww but bring back 4 fpa for 2 handers
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how the dev come too the conclusion ??? too increase the ias requirement too 120% ??? too a class that have 0 ias passive ??? you call this make whirlwind more weapon friendly ??? and too drop too 5 frame ???
what the point for a base+10 weapon or +20 weapon too jump from 6 frame to 5 frame and waste over 70 ias(125) and 80 ias(174) is just no sense , so you cap too 6 frame and stack the most damage and hit 2 to 3 target if not missing lol in aoe at least back them i have my great pole axe hitting to 4 frame with max range 4 and is not strong is weak but playable , now is just unplayble , these dev just have 0 clue what they doing , easy fix they need to drop -45 % ias and give us back 4 frame and this will still be weak but playable
I guess they thought that it will be more realistic for 2 handers to be slower and heavier, like reality, problem is, this is fantasy and in the process they killed these types of weapons
idk this dont make sense to me because
already the old ias table is already slower
so adding more ias requirement just make everything slower
where what you saying make no sense to me , where is the heavier damage there ??? frame and dps per sec is just show less damage too the point is ridicule
the light damage from only holding 1 hand light weapon make more damage vs the heavier damage
I dont agree with them or the changes for 2 handed it’s stupid, at least make em really high dps (much higher than current)
i dont think with the little knowlege the dev have on the game they will go change the base weapon damage , also the coding , you need to remember d2re dev team is one guy working from the basement of is house , the most easy fix and coding is reduce the ias penality from 2 hand weapon , remember these clueless dev do the same mistake with the first druid update and 1 week later fix this mistake .
sadly barb is about 6 month now with any fix . this just expose the dev are clueless and just listen too steamer too fix they mistake
also why a 2 hander sword is able to go 4 frame but other 2 hander are stuck to 5 frame
They never hits heavier, then the 2x 1 handers. Cos if it y are in the same fpa 4 - 1 handers hits more times then the 2. But the 2 handers has more range Wich in some duels is dissent enough to use it or just for fun for pvm. There is so easy solution for all of this. Bring back old 1.13 ias and just add ias on those 2 runewords. I think last wish deserve 40 ias in it, for those 3 jahs 2 bers, and in the death can be included zod that solves 2 problem(actually solves 3, the problem with slow attack items and spells now), for zod to be more desirable rune. If u think it’s cheap, it can contain ber too at the end deaths has indistructable and CB on it, but after eth 5 os ba is so rare I think Zod is enough. Good video bro (charley222) more ias less speed. There is the same problem with fhr right now more fhr more stunned u are… Wich is ridiculous too…