It makes it easier for me to get items as runes have a gold sink. Not sure what other want out higher demand lower supply economy. I prefer to have a more homogenized lower demand, high supply one. Opens up every build in the game without having to farm weeks for it. So without being pro bot, I sure have no issues with them increasing supply. Now if I am trying to flip stuff, and play trader instead of demon slayer, then yep, that would make my trades less profitable over time spent. The only issue is what value. It mostly has a negative effect on folks tying to flip FG, and folks trying to sell items for cash.
Yeah, sure, because the chances of finding someone who legitimately farmed out 20 bers for your GG single item isn’t slim at all.
The bers don’t come from a single individual. Don’t know if you noticed, but there are thousands of people playing this game at any given time. Hundreds of HR’s drop daily between all of them. Someone would then trade over a period of time to amass their rune wealth. This is basic trading 101, and quite obvious common sense by the way. Only nihilistic buffoons assume botting everytime they see someone with an HR.
Botting is way more difficult and way less prevalent in D2R than it was in OG d2. The few that do have working bots that somehow evade cheat detection aren’t sharing them and they won’t ever be available for the public, unlike in old d2 where anyone and their mother could figure out how to spin up a bot.
Saying “I have nothing against d2jsp but I hate botting” in the same sentence is like saying “I have nothing against a 3rd world war but I hate soldiers” lol
I literally know someone who bots. Msg me to catch up in-game and we can follow his sorc and ull see. And if that aint enough, will through in screen shots of him telling me which bot he uses. Im serious. Ill be off work in 5 hours if you’re keen to see the truth. Lmk
These people never played pre-1.09d and it shows badly. There were plenty of bots back then.
there has been several functional “public” bots. not behind a paywall and freely available.
maybe microsoft will stomp on jsp. blizzard wasnt big enough to do it apparently
What about the people that use d2jsp to improve trading, but don’t buy the fg? It can be terrible sitting in a game for over an hour waiting for someone who has 5-6 ist runes to buy your item, so you can then sit in a game for over an hour again to trade those ist runes for an ohm…
Or someone can trade said item for 250 fg, and trade the 250 fg for an ohm in a matter of minutes.
Until Blizzard steps up and makes a legitimate trading platform for their game, d2jsp is just there to streamline the trading.
JSP D2 is just for trading. Folks talk about the past when JSP was a bot, it was so long ago that folks in diapers back then are now adults. I can understand if you think mass selling for FG before a ladder to use it on a ladder is bad. But equating it to botting is illogical. Things do change over time, thus they are not what they were but what they are now.
we need a better tool for trading…game creation is just the worst kind of system and the main cause 3rd party sites are standing
and remember, all currency in that site is from rmt crossdressed as donation
i use traderie and never had to wait long
cant agree more with this
Not all fg is from rmt. In the beginning you got fg just from making posts. I know lots of people that use that site and haven’t spent a dime to purchase fg.
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
The problem is that D2 is a competitive game for many players especially if you join other social platforms other than Blizzard forum.
What you said makes no sense. It’s like saying I have nothing against Pizza but I hate pineapples and you interpret it as I have nothing against Italians but I hate Hawaiians.
D2jsp was once a botting haven but now it is strictly prohibited in its entirety of the website. It has been like this fora very long time. The site is heavily monitored for rule violations even more so than Blizzard forum. Mentioning of bots or inquiring about bots or linking bots of YouTube videos are all prohibited.
This doesn’t makes sense either. What bot does is that it increases supply for uniques, runes, white bases, charms, and keys. If you want to trade an item that you’ve found, the value of that item also decreases along with everything else. Let’s say someone started playing D2R today. They probably still need to trade about 15 arach belts for 1 Ber or 60+ shakos for 1 Ber. High supply doesn’t simply make it easier for new or existing players to acquire them.
Also, if you want to play every character in the game and have them fully geared, it’s not that hard. If you want to play every character and have them fully geared with high-end items within days, this isn’t the game for you.
Anyways I’m against botting and wish that Blizzard would perform a banwave before ladder launch. Hardware ban even on first offense would be great.
Heavily monitored that makes sense so why aren’t all people using d2jsp banned yet? I mean it’s against the ToS using a 3rd party where money flows it’s like buying wow gold from a china company instead of THEIR token and we already have enough new frogs who don’t know the prices of anything making games like “N Shako O Pul” on top of that we have this cheating scum pricefixing everything and make everything you find (unless it’s ultra omega perfect) useless. Can’t wait for the first ladder to be released in a bigger chitshow than the launch was, thanks to bitcoin forumgold whales having perfect endgame gear day 1-5 after ladder launch.
“We want everyone to have a fair and square ladder start” - Blizzard.
Fair and square my a**
This has already been discussed by others in old threads. There are some really good valid arguments from both sides. It’s questionable whether D2jsp is indeed against ToS. At this point, no body knows true answer to that. I have heard arguments from both sides and both sides make good points. Unless we have an official statement from Blizzard, it’s all speculation. Jsp has been operating for over 20 years without Blizzard taking action against them so I suspect they will continue to do so. It’s not like Blizzard wasn’t aware of Jsp until a couple of months before D2R release.
That’s how the world works. The rich will always be ahead. That’s not something a government or a company can control without infringing your privacy and freedom. If you want to get rid of Bitcoin, forumgold, why not actual cash, digital banking, and precious metals? Maybe we should go back to Stone Age and start trading barley, corns, furs, and meat for our daily needs.
Edit: I’ve met people who spent 500,000 USD on a single mobile game or buy a helicopter just for spite moment on a family vacation. Whether it’s a game, business, education, or politics, there will always be people who will use their wealth and power to get something they want. For normal folks like us, we just have to deal with it
I take that cow for my weekly corn harvest.
Well I have nothing against botting but hate Ponzi Schemes (D2jsp)
All lets take lawyer and try too take out cash from d2r game, we dont wanna play game where bots kills economy ! Anyway today 1 chinisee guy post fresh found : , 12 bers + jahs " He got nice luck
I like how people come on here and say “show me proof.” You aren’t very smart at hiding that you’re botting are you? It’s so funny how these people give themselves away so easily lolol. And if you actually think there aren’t people botting, then I have a bridge for sale that you might be interested in.