I heard that some people are already multiboxing d2r using virtual machines or isboxer.
Would love to get an official blizz statement whether multiboxing in general is against d2r EULA or not. I’m not talking about automating any action or broadcasting any mouse/keyboard actions. Just would like to know if starting multiple instances of d2r (on separate d2r accounts with legally acquired copies of the game) and manually controlling multiple chars is fine for blizz or if this can get you banned already.
Manually controlling characters has never been an issue.
It’s third party software that can get you in trouble.
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Ye, but you need 3rd party software (VM, isboxer etc). to get more than one instance of the game running
No, just like you could do back in the days, you can still copymultiple instances of d2 and bind them renamed to each blizzard account with a purchase of d2:R.
You only have to relog on bnet per account and instance of the game you want to load.
Software to perform this login process automated might get you banned and this is why players are crying about alot of disconnects. They play multiple accounts and get multiple errors/disconnects.
There is one EULA for all Blizzard games and services. This includes the launcher, forums, games, and mobile apps.
This is their currently released statement. It is tagged for WoW, but usually Blizz has the same policies across games.
Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.
For more information on our stance about input broadcasting software, see our official forum post.
For extra info, there’s a multiplication on bots, especially chat bots as far as I experience, since the “outage” or let’s say silent update.
And… you can no longer /squelch them. Well played Blizztard.
The right click block does not work and reporting does not temp ignore them in chat like it does in other Blizzard games. I consider that either really flawed design or a bug.
However, pretty sure if you manually do
/whois name
to get the btag
/squelch btag
to squelch
that it still works.
You automatically squelch the bnet tag, that’s what the function is for. It just gets ignored and it no longer functions.
/squelch xx
xx: spam
/squelch xx
This player is already ignored.
Since yesterday.