Blizz is done with D2R

Ever stop and think of what the game would be like if we could get all of the top end gear and rune words within a day of playtime?

It’d be BORING.

Go hack you up a level 99 character all decked out in top end gear, lets see how long you “enjoy” playing it while completely steamrolling everything in the game while finding nothing of value compared to what you already have.

The whole point of the game is to go from rags to riches… It’s a loot grind ARPG! But here’s the thing… You can PLAY THE GAME AT THE HARDEST DIFFICULTY IN RAGS. IT’S JUST SLOWER.

There’s another Diablo game that is for people that desire that super speed instagratification… Diablo 3.

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The answer is trading…it is so easy to sell relative junk and get some good results…whether traderie or d2jsp…keep those pgems, junk jewels, collect unid rare rings/ammys/pelts, etc…lots of rich folks out there want to gamble/craft they are happy to give you a good bit for your time. Not that this is junk, but I just did some ubers, not a common thing for me to repeat over and over, found a 17/20 storch, sold for 4 Jahs on traderie yesterday… repeating your blizz sorc on meph is outdated.

Ever since 1.11 torches have replaced Meph for MF.

The only boss you should really MF is maybe NM Andy for Sojs… but why bother when you can literally buy key sets and run torches for consistent profit…

Why RNG…

Rofl nothing of what you just said addresses the feedback I have for how horrible the loot grind in D2 is.

Oh, sorry…

“Hey, maybe this game just isn’t for you… Maybe you should stop punishing yourself by playing a game that you obviously don’t like and move on.”

There you go!


Happily. Enjoy the 12 people who play D2R. Don’t be surprised if Microsoft turns off the servers because it doesn’t have MAUs.

That includes your whine baggage about the game you keep flooding the forums with as well.

Nope. You don’t get to dictate that. See, unlike you, I want the game to get better.

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No, what you want is the game to become a lightning fast progression game like Diablo 3. You want all the goods as fast as possible so you can go straight to the end to farm what will become even more worthless items.

To you, the idea of spending more than a day or two playing a game and NOT BEING ULTRA OP is absurd.

I’m serious, go hack up a L99 fully decked out toon and see how long you “enjoy” playing it.

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

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I didn’t say that. You’re assuming. You think what I want is to immediately be level 99 with the best gear. Your interpretation of any feedback I give immediately goes to a black and white perspective.

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More along the lines of an educated guess based upon your game change requests to date.

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Could to name any of them?

So that’s a, “no.” Care to explain how you’re capable of making an educated guess?

If you need to ask that question, then no, I can’t explain how to make an educated guess… To you.


I’m going to stop our conversation before I become even dumber by participating in it further. Feel free to have the last word. Goodbye.

The first step to recovery is admitting it. So, why do you think the world is so black and white?

Ah I see baalor is back from his forced vacation… and right back at begging for loot

OP, you do realize D2 is a slot machine right? And just like the slot machines at the casino’s, it is very fun to play. Perhaps you should play D3, the loot rains from the sky over there.

I’ll take D2/LOD/R, thank you very much. You can MF to find the items you want. Or you can put in a little work to find some lesser items, but still useful and trade your way to the items you want. It is the journey not the destination.

If that doesn’t work for you, perhaps you would be happier somewhere else.

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That’s how it already is? Ever stop to think before you post your mental diarrhea?