Blizz.. at least COMMUNICATE with the players!

Thats why they are called Lo runes, afterall!

u can see here their updates. idk why they dont post here.

This is honestly the main reason that sadly Diablo 4 does not appeal to me, nor future Activision games. Servers are on life support for 3 weeks and CR is non-existent.

Gonna tell you that I already expected this, based on the last 10 years of the corp and also the context, they are focused on other stuff, it really shows. With this, I assume that the silence, IMO, is because there is no direction/positioning from the top floors.

The studio’s work on this masterpiece, on the other hand, lives up to my expectations, it’s honestly very decent rework and kudos for them. Got a chance to play with some old school friends that played with me in the original’s release year and they all praised it. I will remember this in the future.

Bottom line is, if you are planning to get this to play by yourself on an isolated single-player game, go ahead. If you want any multiplayer experience, wait for a discount deal or be super patient. Do no expect to enjoy anything community wise as it is now, the servers are down every day, followed by hours of rollbacks, and this is a game of high-and-lows, it punishes you for failing, and often when you succeed, servers go down and you lose everything that you did.


I’m just SUPER GLAD that every morning last 3 days servers were down for first 3 to 4 hours. Yet they claim they are “aware and are fixing it” odd how they were “okay” before.

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diablo 4 is still a couple years away and that will be a new game. I honestly think diablo 2 and the problem goin on right now is dupers causing ddos attacks on purpose so that they can get rollbacks so they can dupe items. Cuz that’s what happens, the other day I had double of all the chip gems I found in a session that crashed so they are def doing it for their high level items.

Blizz has not made anything, so I did make a “what to expect” thread a few mins ago.


Hasn’t this been happening at roughly the same time each morning the past 3 days? It certainly seems that way to me anyway. If it is ddos for dupes it would still be nice to know so the haters can at least turn their focus to the appropriate culprit.


4 days in a row actually. Not the exact same time, but within 30 mins of each other.


It’s always at Asia’s peak time that servers go down. Hey dupers, please start the dupes 5 hours later thanks…

NO message on my launcher whatsoever. Even when there are issues, they dont give updates they just say “there’s an issue”.

LOL as soon as I posted that, one appeared.

Just came here because it was literally a post asking for Blizztard to respond.
I am at least, not disappointed, they have blessed this thread with their usual response.
I think I’ve had enough.
It may be time to just sick the paypal dogs on them and get my money back. If I can only play offline, I have no need of this new version.

It’s sad really.
I can be patient when there are issues, I really can. But I think my money earns me the right to know what is going on. Evidently I am wrong about that.
It’s all I’m asking for Blizztard, one of you pretentiously avaricious c&*@s to sit your ignorant A@@ down at a keyboard and type an explanation for this crap.
Post it here, on Jack Dorsey’s crypto-scam site, WHEREVER YOU LIKE, but SOMEWHERE.
There isn’t much more disrespect in business than taking someone’s money, and then ignoring them when they ask why the product you sold them doesn’t work.

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You are absolutely right. I feel like players would be more inclined to tolerate all the sht that’s been going on if they just TALK to us.

Blizzard has not posted. MVPs are other players, not Blizz staff. They don’t speak for or represent Blizzard in any way.

Blizzard posts are in Blue.

Blizzard always been really bad about communication.

But these days that’s probably partially because they’re a publicly traded company so they can’t constantly release material information that may affect the stock price.

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Oh, sorry Darlin’, I know :slight_smile:
I meant no response hehe, that is the usual response :wink:

Ah ok. I did make a “what to expect” thread so folks have one place to check for info on missing chars, etc. It is better than nothing and about all I can do right now to help. Might as well share what little we players know instead of an inky void.

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If Blizzard has shown us nothing else, they have demonstrated that they truly couldn’t care less about customer satisfaction … once they have your money.

id be really good at this job blizzard, ill walk around drinking coffee , i do take several smoke breaks . but i would be good at making sure everyones doing ok and raising everyones spirits, and most importantly i could interact with the employees and give the customers a general idea of what is going on .

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The strategy is to chase enough frustrated players away so that he 20 year old servers will be able to handle the reduced load again…barely…