Tues OCT 12, Server Down/Chars Missing - What to Expect

Day 4 of a morning server down issue.

  • Your characters are there. The server is down so you can’t connect to it to see them. They will be back.
  • If you were just playing the past few hour there will be a server rollback - you may lose recent progress.
  • If your Horadric cube was in use during a server crash or game crash, it messes with the save state. The cube and anything in it may be gone. You can get a new cube by running the Halls of the Dead in Act 2 and getting a new one from the chest.
  • There are no second by second logs for D2, D2R, or D3. The game just does account snapshot saves. They don’t have the ability to see items sold, traded, dropped, deleted, etc.
  • Because they don’t know what happened to items - they don’t have logs to restore anything lost in a rollback, or deleted for any other reason. There is a Support article about it.

For today you can expect they will have CS twitter post that they are looking into connection issues for D2R. Then there will be more down time and eventually servers return. We will also see a message on the launcher about the connection issues.

Blizzard has not provided any communications that say why this keeps happening, how they plan to resolve it, or how they plan to prevent it in the future. They very much need to do that.

Ways you can mitigate this for yourself:

  • Keep your cube empty so you don’t lose any items stored in it
  • Save and Exit after any major find or progress to force a save
  • Watch the clock and anticipate issues this time of day :frowning:

NONE of those should be needed, but at this point you have to protect yourself.

Note: MVPs are other players not Blizzard employees. MVPs don’t work for Blizzard, speak for Blizzard, or represent Blizzard.

EDIT @ 9am Pacific Daylight time/12pm Eastern Time
Latest update

EDIT @ 10:08am Pacific/1:08pm Eastern. Servers up again total down time around 4.5 hours today.


Thank you for the update and info.

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Can I expect to have more bs generic statements rammed down my throat as well? This whole week has been a joke.


It is Blizzard. So far they have not provided ANY explanation for any of these daily down times/crashes.

I expect generic from the Twitter CS folks. They don’t have any info except what the tech team tells them to post. It will be generic.

I DO expect something better from the Diablo team though after these crashes explaining what is going on and what they plan to do to stop it.

I don’t work there and can’t make them do anything though.


Were you FORCED to read the entire thing? I hope you’re ok.


Thank you Miss Cheetah, you are as always the voice of calm, rational reason during these repeatedly frustrating morning outages.

I wish Blizzard followed your lead and engaged in some quality communication with their customers.

Cheers to you!


At this point they shouldn’t bring the servers back up at all until they have this all figured out. Daily character rollbacks aren’t acceptable.


thanks for the tips very helpful

I personally had only one rollback so far and it was far from major but the fact that every evening for me I can’t play the game is getting on my nerves.


Thank you for doing Blizzard’s job for them. They really should be paying you.


I read the whole thing and it is accurate and informative. It’s just insane that we need a post like this.

  • There are no second by second logs for D2, D2R, or D3. The game just does account snapshot saves. They don’t have the ability to see items sold, traded, dropped, deleted, etc.

You are wrong about this. Blizz sent an email in the beta telling you these stats.

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It’s good to see you sprinkle in some quality posts here and there <3

I am very right about this. What you are talking about is information that the Global Insights team puts in hooks for. The Devs can ask the Global Insights team to run software to detect and record X values. Some things, like SOJs sold are easy seeing as those are already around. Deaths had to be added.

The Global Insights team does this for every Blizz game at Dev request. The Devs submit the list of things they want recorded, and the Insights team makes it happen.

They often use the data for promotional materials like an End of Beta wrap up or info graphic. Example here for D3 year one Diablo III: 1 Year Infographic - Game Guide - Diablo III

Which also has the same snapshot saves and no restorations.

That is not part of the core data saving methods though and not something CS has that can use to restore items.


The issue of playability and lack of communication is so catastrophically bad even the MVP is visibly annoyed.


It’s just a joke at this point. Not only the downtimes, but the fact that they went silent for days.


silent? you ve got plenty of great tweets from them just check one out they all look the same! shi*zzard at its best.


Its as easy as adding a record for the sql yeah. Thats basically what they do.
But, it ignorant to think these kinds of things won’t always be on to a point ( depends on the log sizes. Cannot spend tb’s of data on people lol )
It will be a bot catch and a monitoring system for when stats need to be used for whichever purposes they have.

But i know it will not be used or be able to be used for character restores etc. Thats a whole different data set anyways.

Morning server issues… great, but in Europe, it is afternoon when we get back from work till late night, so I can’t play when I have time for the game for 4 days in a row -.-


I know :frowning: Because it is all Global now for data/cross progression everything goes down at the same time. Some places it will be Prime Time for gaming.

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