Better for nova sorc, ormus or vipermagi?

So just came across a random ormus that rolled +3 nova, 12 to lightning skill damage.

I’m playing self wield inf nova sorc, and i would have to swap out my soj to make up for the 10fcr difference, but would the 3 to nova make that big of a difference?

So you gain 1 skill (maybe “.5” skill since you lose +2 to lightning mastery) but the 12% bonus lightning damage will easily give Ormus the damage advantage…whether losing the resists and trying to regain it elsewhere is worth it will be up to the whole build.

Vmagi for sure. 1 to all skills is reflected into your CTA or ES or TS or Warmth or whichever cold shield you have. The +2 to nova isn’t worth it in the least IMO. Maybe if the +light damage was -light res, but it isn’t. Then on top now you’re losing another +1skill with the lack of the ring.

You could try the setup, but I think you’ll wind up with nearly the same damage between the ormus to vmagi, but you’re losing all the vmagi other benefits as well as the soj.

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A perf ormus with a 5/-5 socket allows a little more max damage but vmagi is overall better for ES and survivability

Viper is better choice most of the time as it guarantees more faster cast rate resistances and improves all of your skills not just songle one.
12% for lighting is nkt that much as you probably have like 200%+already from mastery. So it is actually like +1 to lighting mastery. You need specific items for it to be better

Does it? Both get facet 5/5 right? So let’s go beyond that

+2 skills that applies to nova + BO + BC + lightning mastery (2 skills b/c SOJ instead of 10FCR)
+3 nova that just goes to nova

My guess is that it winds up being a wash at the cost of a lot of better stats on top of it. I actually don’t even think the ormus winds up even winning in damage, though maybe it does if you’re only using an ES staff memory?

not hard to look up

Chains of Honor 20 characters.

probably, but it’s a dead forum, why not ask here?

Eloba, CoH is nice but wouldn’t work with this build

Vipermagi also has up to 13 MDR, which is significant if you’re running ES. For a Nova Sorc, I would choose it every time over Ormus’s Robes.

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CoH is probably the worst option you can go for.

Vipernmagi if fcr. Enigma if no fcr needed or 20/-20 and ormus are all better than coh