My blizzard sorc does okay for clearing level 85 areas but I was thinking a poison necro or a strong wind druid might be better.Anyone have meta build they use for clearing these areas faster?
A hammerdin and lightning sorc are best but they are both a fortune.
Windy druid will be similar clear speed , faster if using enigma. Posion necro will do some things faster some slower.
A frenzy Barb is very good as well, can clear chaos and the pit very quick cheaper alternative , but no whee near fast as pally or sorc
I’m using a javzon, fairly cheap to make. At best you need a chains of honor but can get by with a peace. And titans are cheap enough. Clearing cows is easy and so is pits. You can use jab to kill lightning immune but usually just skip. I don’t attempt chaos, I’ve had good luck in cows so usually stick to there and pits
interesting, thanks for the replies
Trap assassin is also a fast clearer. Bust out the lightning sentries with a death sentry, pop goes the weasels. It’s like running a lightning sorc and a CE necro at once. Plus you have the ability to clear rooms without being in them. Infinity helps a ton obviously. Enigma for faster travel/skill/mf boost. Get a lower resist wand on switch for a poor mans trap assassin to help down the big guys.
depends if you want to mf there.
Imo blizzard sorc with death fathom you can still get almost 500% mf and it hits pretty hard
edit I’m assuming your talking about multiplayer games btw no need for tons of dmg is its sp
Keep in mind magic find actually makes drops worse after 300, what happens is you will find and overwhelming amount of blue items. More then 300 mf is not necessary and gives you diminishing drops. 200-400 is ideal no more no less.
Look up the chart. 500 mf is too much and sacrifices damage and survivability. Also keep in mind magic find has nothing to do with luck , magic find simply i creases chances of gold blue green and yellow items dropping but does not mean it is any good. Typically shoot for 2-400
I have used quite a few setups on my mf sorc my current mf is at about 490 something I think. No cold sklrs but using deaths fathom with a 4/5 in it and she can kill 8player stuff reasonably quickly.
She’s max res as well btw except poison and only dies from user error really
I randomly landed in something at lvl 92 while tired lol) on the way to lvl 95 with her now
When you get enigma a summoner clears area’s fastest. Telly allows you to target one monster and telly stop it, then you amp and CE and the whole screen falls over.
Prior to Enigma the Sorcs are best. PNova is fun and kills a screen…after 2 seconds.
It always depends on which lvl85 area you looking for and why you farming it.
When you say you looking only for uniques items its like this
Chaos = Hammerdin
Pit = Beserker
Ancients Tunnels = Blizzard Sorc
Are the fastest chars. The area are only some examples because they are the most popular ones.
When you now say you want runes too, Beserker is out, and you must replace him for a character with more aoe dmg.
Sometime it even depends if you play online or single player since in singleplayer you have the power of /players7 command and you will need more dmg to clear that areas.
But allround Hammerdin and Lightning Sorc are a pretty good choice.
Maybe this article helps you:
lol this has been disproved.Your MF still actually goes up but you start to get diminishing returns on anything above 400.People have been testing this 1000’s of runs with zero,300,500 and the drop rates of blues were no more between 300 and 500.the drops of uniques was just very slightly more between 300 and 500.This has been a discussion for a while and people took out to prive it wrong you simply just find way more blues over 300.I MF right now with 450ish and unless its coming from enemies bosses drop 85% rares,uniques and set items, actually my tyraels didnt even come from a unique monster it was the average embalmed, same thing when i found a WF in vanilla is came from the enemy that raises the dead in world stone that was a normal enemy too lol. I forget the name of that enemy down there but its the same type of enemy as the ones found throughout act 2 that raise the dead
Ummm exactly my point diminishing returns, look it up on Google 200-400 mf any more is pretty useless as the % to find unique is less and less per mf after 200 where as blue magic items continue to increase %
Its pretty useless to sacrifice damage for mf that’s why pro players stick to 200-400 because after 200 the chance% for unique gets smaller and smaller per each mf point where are blue items continue to increase at the same rate.
for some reason i thought you said after 300 drops get worse. But its diminishing returns they dont drop more blues, you just dont find hardly anymore uniques after 300.Drops are about the same.diminishing returns doesnt mean it gets worse, just means it never really gets better. technically the scale does go up for uniques when you have more mf,but barely
No mo the chance% to findblue goes up the same where as unique drop off after 200 mf
Here is the chart
Value | Magic | Rare | Set | Unique |
100% MF | 100% | 85% | 83% | 71% |
200% MF | 200% | 150% | 142% | 111% |
300% MF | 300% | 200% | 187% | 136% |
400% MF | 400% | 240% | 222% | 153% |
500% MF | 500% | 272% | 250% | 166% |
Diminishing Returns
As seen by the table, Magic Find functions on a diminishing returns basis for any magical qualities. A player will need 1000%MF to reach 200% Unique Find, but only 500%MF already grants 166%. The reason even Magical Item drop diminishes is because after a certain point, you will already find a very large amount of magical weapons and armor. Adding more to this will go unnoticed.
To me 200-400 is the only logical amount of mf to shoot for based on diminishing rates. Another thing is you won’t find very many socketables for runewords with extremely high mf levels
i see the number increase but whe nI originally was at 250 mf then got decent gear for 450, there werent a surge in blue drops lol.that syayed the same but my rares,uniques and sets went up by a very noticible difference.This is from boss drops.I do find a lot of charms and jewels with 450 mf compared to 250 tho from non boss enemies
I am just sharing the percentages and facts anything over 400 does little for you
And 200 is lots, sacrificing power and killing speed for mf is never worth it either another reason to shoot for 2-400
Im curious to who made up these charts lol. pretty sure it didnt come from blizzard. so calling it facts can be taken the wrong way cause from what I find this chart is very incorrect lol
my frenzy barb can clear 85 zones as fast as hammerdin or faster. just made a video here: Frenzy / Whirlwind Hybrid Barb Guide