Best base for a ‘White’ wand?

It’s been a good while since I played necro in D2, from my memory I think I found a +3 bone spear and +3 corpse explosion when I made a my white runeword last. I must have cycled through drognans inventory 100+ times looking for that a couple days ago but all I could find was a +3 corpse explosion and then a different one with +2 bone spear.

Is there some better base to make a white with? I’m in nightmare now and don’t wanna go back to normal again to shop drognan and reset my offline nightmare maps as they’re really good. Is there some place in nightmare I can farm to find one?

depends on what you’re after in white i liked the skeleton mastery bonus only so I’d look for +3 skele +3 skele mastery and 2xos

unfortuneatly the only good way to do that is upgrading 2xos capable crude wand types.

item gets fixed to standard white item, ilvl gets down to what’s needed, the recepie isn’t that costly chippy+ eld rune and on top of that when you get something satisfactory you roll sockets on it with the socket white weapon recepie.

Other than that you’d have to legitimately find your item in the sanctuary, if that’s even possible in nightmare…

if you struggle to find homunculus, the high armor necro head with +3 skele +3 skele mastery, is only obtainable this way… You could get +4 to theese skills if you make a proper runeword in such a head shael+eth if i remember correctly, the other one was eth+lum if i’m right.