Ber Pronunciation

Go to your favourite dictionary app and type in ber. In the drop down of words look at the words with ber as first syllable, then pronounce the word out loud.
It’s bur, not bear.

Whoever said it was pronounced as bear? Lol that’s new to me. Sounds like someone was trolling you or fails at English.

It was a Magic The Gathering nerd now turned D2 YouTuber in a video talking about how to build someone elses build. He puts 3 “bear” runes in his eth Tomb Reaver.

its pronounced bear, last epoch did a nod to diablo 2 and named the teleporting bear Jahith Bears. as a nod to enigma.

The etymology of the word bear is derived from PIE root *bher-“carry a burden, bring,” also “give birth” (though only English and German strongly retain this sense, and Russian has beremennaya “pregnant”).


Runes are ancient, where as the word bear in the context of the animal is relatively new.

If the rune was pronounced bear it would be spelled bear or bare, not ber.

At this time, it’s Winter in North America and it’s damn cold. Below zero temps day and night.


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I agree. In English at least an e by itself makes a short e sound unless it’s followed by a vowel, or there is an e at the end of the word.

There are exceptions to every rule in English, berry for example but you don’t use exceptions to prove the rule.

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