Be honest, can you play a Zerker without enigma?

I made one this weekend, got him to 82, crafted a Grief and for the rest of the gear I followed the budget/standard gear options on Maxroll. I’m getting absolutely clapped by everything. I can manage to kill some of the easy unique monsters like Eldritch, Shenk and Pindle (if he isn’t lightning enchanted).

I pretty much decided to not touch him until I get enigma even though I would really like to play him right now.

Anyone managed to make it work?

You can make a Frenzy barb, with maxed Bezerk. Work up the attack speed with Frenzy, then zerk on your right click to hit-a-lot. Zerk synergizes with Frenzy, but it is very little, and I heard that it converts some frenzy damage to magic damage, instead of adding 1% damage, but I don’t know if that is correct.

Can also be done with concentration ,which adds defense, and synergizes with BO…so…But Zerk still does alot of damage, and you take alot of damage. But you can run away very fast.

Also use Battle Cry, let monsters engage, use battle cry, work up frenzy, start finishing of with Zerk. Try and keep frenzy up. You can also try and use Howl for safer zerking, or shout to add armor, and synergize with berzerk.

Basically a question of if you want to put last points in frenzy synergy or Bezerk synergy. Also learn to use jump to jump away.

Why would you need enigma for a zerker? I would think Fortitude would be best as it adds a ton of damage to greif. Howl for crowd control and berzerk synergy. Mixing skills up a little like Felix is saying is also a good idea

Talking about the MF zerker aka Pitzerker

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Enigma has a lot of nice mods, but the reason it’s so popular is the +1 teleport, which is used for faster runs/mobility reasons. Not having it shouldn’t effect your survival or killing ability as much as your ability to quickly get to the MF areas, though, so if you’re having trouble surviving/killing, there might be another gear deficiency or playstyle issue.

Berserk makes your defense zero and being 100% magic damage can’t leach, so it’s definitely more of a glass cannon build. Foruntunately the Barb has some great CC (Crowd Control) skills in the warcry tree that you should be able to make use of, like howl to thin out the pack around you, taunt to bring only the enemies you want to fight back (this skill is awesome against ranged characters, once taunted they will stop shooting and walk right up to you to use their typically much weaker melee skills. Souls are the exception though). Battlecry also reduces the damage enemies do to you and the enemies defense, meaning you have a better chance to hit, and Warcry can stun enemies. Many of these are 1 point wonders that can really help you survive while dishing out the Berserk damage.

Why on earth would you consider Enigma mandatory for ANY PvM Barb? Especially if your complaint is you’re taking too much damage or whatever?

the build’s survivability revolves around shout so you tele in a pack then you shout, kill elite, tele to next pack then repeat. The danger comes from running around.

Well, your asking about zerk survivability but specifying a fast MF build. If your relying on that build, then yes you’ll want Enigma. It’s a niche build that isn’t about zerk but more about tele and a specific focus.

If your asking about zerk in general, then yes it’s a fine and solid build. but it relies on warcry’s to control the combat flow. It’s not a room clearer or a speed runner. No melee builds are. But it definitely works fine if played right. I’ve done both frenzy/zerk builds and Double swing builds and they have no issues in Hell.

Use howl and weapon swap Ali babas for find item. Heart Rondel is good for +4 find item and you can use 2 suicide branch or wizspike to find items on large number of corpses faster. About level 80 with my berserker without enigma and finding great gear.