Be aware of scammers (Onesnapper#2615)

Scam me for my first ever Tyraels Might today. Hate him so much. Im about to leave game completly and never play again. Avoid him if u can. :frowning:

I am not too sure if this is a scam. When someone drops an item, it is usually a freebie. I have given away several Tals Masks as I always get them and have no space, and I ALWAYS drop them for others, and they pick them up. He may have thought that you were giving it to him. I hate to say it, but this seems to be your mistake which you hopefully will not make in the future.

is not misstake. he is legit scammer. look how many people he scam. he is browsing games give nothing and steal all he want. is not random guy who pick dropped items. he is doing that on purpose. and i dont post items. he was trading with me and i was about to give armor to trade windows and in milisecond its close and i drop it. he is legit Scammer

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I have him added to my scumbag list!

and i think he use some program to find value games for him. because he log into my game in 1 second when i create it. (gamename was O Tyraels Might) Hope Blizzard will ban his account permanently.

Is there a way in the Menu to reassign the Ctl-Click to do nothing?

Are you on Ladder Zaiphy?

bump. this dude just tried to scam me through traderie. his traderie id is handymandy9898

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