@BossDogg, D2R Fails to launch after recent B_Net Update on Linux with WINE/Lutris (got no Diabolo, so i can’t reply directly.)
On my PC also Battle.Net stopped working, yesterday it worked, today it was broken. Mint 21.3 but RTX 4070.
Somehow I could solve it by using Timeshift, I simply reactivated an earlier snapshot and than installed the updates again. Now Battle.Net runs as usually - But I cannot tell you why this works on my PC.
Sorry for the Necro. I haven’t logged into D2R forums in quite sometime. This issue was resolved many months ago. All is working properly for me.
So yall are running battlenet/diablo 2 resurrected in linux with Lutris and not getting banned? I just installed ubuntu to play poe2 on linux using steam since it keeps freezing my pc just like diablo 2 res does on windows 11 pro! If i can run d2r in linux with out getting banned ill never go back to windows!
Worked no problem for me on Fedora 38, but I think it was some point shortly after that that the Battle.net client stopped working through Wine. If Bnet client works, D2R isn’t likely to be a problem!
I have a YouTube video called:
Diablo II: Resurrected on Linux (no Lutris, minimal dependencies)