Barbarian leveling progression

Hi, we all know that the barbarian has the most frustrating leveling experience in the game, esp. if you are trying to solo play. I know you can make a WC build but you need to wait until lvl ~35ish to get off the ground and req. dual Spirit. Every other class has at least 1 leveling skill that can carry them from ~lvl 6 or lvl12 to hell with minimal gear investment, barb should be no different.

the Leap Attack rework was a good step in fixing this issue, but there are still some easy improvements to be made:

Issue 1: the mana cost of 10 is really bad
Easy Fix : make it so that the mana goes down per point invested all the way to zero just like Double Swing

at level 18 you only have around 33 mana so you end up chugging potions every 3rd hit.
it makes no sense to have such a high mana cost for a leveling skill on a char with such a small mana pool (the leech also sucks since you get mana back only from the target you directly hit, not the AOE)

Issue : the AOE damage is just too weak
Easy fix: add a 75% damage from weapon to AOE damage (just like the assassin blade skills).

considering the only bonus AOE dmg you get is from Leap (and Leap provides no extra benefit / utility for leveling) the damage falls off really hard mid nightmare. Leap attack doesn’t benefit from IAS so at least you could use the biggest 2hander you can find to make the skill viable in late NM and forward.

I’ve been playing hc barbarians almost exclusively for 22 years, and I’ve never once built a singer.

The problem is not the barbarian, but how it is built in the beginning. As a solo player not trying to speedrun it is very easy to have a mana pool of 100 without a single point in mana by the time the character is lvl 18.

Also, double swing at lvl 8 doesn’t use mana, but at lvl 24 when transitioning to frenzy, DS should only have 2-3 points in it.

At clvl 24

20 points on a weapon mastery
1 point on bash
1-3 points on ds
1 point of frenzy

Until stealth armour is made, use 2-3os armour and 2os helm with sapphires, use any mana charms and use energy rings and amulet.

When getting to act 2 make a splint mail stealth, 2 steel morning stars and a nadir full helm.

Bat amulets begin at ilvl 11 and bat rings at ilvl 21, keep an eye out for them, but really, using frenzy, ds, and bash the correct way on monsters and you’ll soon forget you even have mana.

As for whirlwind, I have a video up of a clvl 30 ssf ww barb clearing chaos with ease and no mana issues. Which is funny if you’ve ever watched the expert streamer and speadrunner MrLlamaStarCraft trying to play a clvl 30 ww barb - incompetent.

yes, let’s frenzy our way to victory, one monster at a time… while zons clear the entire screen with fury, necros with CE, palas with hammers, sorcs with FO etc.
also let’s ignore the fact they can reach hell basically naked while the barb will have to farm a weapon.

You’re clearly a noob and only know what you’ve read or been told. You’re so bad at the game you don’t even know how to increase a character’s mana pool past 33 before clvl 18.

It’s also funny how barb noobs cry cause they don’t know how to build and play the character, and barb affictionados just laugh at them. My barbs clear hell chaos in under 4 minutes and I even kill hell Diablo in less than 1 second.

yeah, ok, GTFO of my topic with this crap

That’s your best argument, GTFO? For a noob, yeah, I guess it would be.

Hardcore Whirlwind Barbarian clearing Hell Chaos, him and the merc are only using a weapon in an 8 player game. Lets see you do that with your naked sorc, java and necro.

Hardcore Whirlwind Barbarian killing Hell Diablo in less than 1 second. Lets see you do that with any character/build.

Hardcore Whirlwind Barbarian taking out Hephasto, Diablo, Nilhathak and Baal in less than 9 minute in an 8 player game. Lets see you do that with any character/build.


dude , do you actually have development issues or what?
my gripe is with the leveling process and leap attack .
wtf is the point in you linking me videos of fully decked barbs clearing CS? are you that “special” ?

whatever, /ignored

Speak for yourself!

You cried about 33 mana, and I politely gave you the solution - 5os with chipped sapphires and energy/mana jewelry and charms.

Then I shared how I build a powerful low level barb (leap attack is useless).

In which you went off on me crying about how frenzy sucks and barb is useless compared to other naked classes. I told you that barbs are not what you have been lead to believe. You told me to GTFO! I proved you wrong.

And so, you’re the one with the cognitive issues.

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