Game won’t work with my i7 970, game refunded today. Fix it and I’ll consider the game again.
To Blizzard’s credit, at least the game appeared to be easy to refund.
Game won’t work with my i7 970, game refunded today. Fix it and I’ll consider the game again.
To Blizzard’s credit, at least the game appeared to be easy to refund.
This timeline is really disappointing. Could you make the patcher recognize CPU type / whether AVX is supported, and then deploy the fix to the ones that need it now?
Otherwise, could you please escalate and expedite a fix while reducing the amount of QA test time needed?
Talking about into next week, lol. Naw I’m done here. You got me messed up thinking I’m getting strung along to boost the buys for that quarterly.
alguien podria explicarme xq en modo local entra el juego y cuando pongo on line no?
friday 5:02pm here no update yet gg 8 days late i was considering a refund for a while now just straight disappointed, its crazy when you describe this problem with friends because like D3 works but this doesn’t a 20 year old game with a model layer doesn’t work just straight sadmanmode ill be playing classic HC mode till this is fixed
TBF, D3 is a more simple game that just has more fireworks. A console game made for console and ported to pc.
So they edited the title from the original, to point fingers at “older pc’s”. They can just change thread titles whenever they want? Can we change it back?
tbf diablo 2 is 20 years old
It shows the OP edited their post like 12 times most recent being the 29th of Sept (could have been them). Best thing to do is request refund and move on - I just submitted my refund request. I’ll do a spot check once in a while to see if a fix is out and spend some time with New World which seems like a cool game
Message to blizzard, for everyone to see.
Why have a release date? its not ready… … . wayyyy too greedy for the quarter to get good numbers for the uppers at blizz it seems. I am extremely put off by this and will not be purchasing blizzard products going forward.
If this is not sorted by end of next week I will be putting for refund and will be done with blizzard entertainment. I have been playing and paying for your games, expantions, even cash shop items for roughly 20 years ( since D2 ) you have ruined this for me and thousands of others here waiting for you to get your bissiness together and communicate clearly to us about this issue (on a daily basis) “everyday” we cannot use the product that we bought from you you should be telling us why.
The beta’s should have been final build with some tweaks put in to finish off things, not used for hype when your final build was not in beta. Should my refund be refused by end of next week I will be seeking legal councel prior to November and taking action on my end to secure the funds I placed in your trust for pre purchase. please do not make this happen, I would prefer to play and not pay a lawyer to aid me.
waiting for patch every weekend that never came
oh no i refunded last week, i’m just invested in this sh1tshow and the abusive relationship I have with blizzard
I raise my ordinary plain champagne glass to one week of playing the game of clicking Play, crashing and waiting. Cheers @TeamAVXForumDwellers and have a good weekend all!
What’s he supposed to do? Sit around and chat with us about nothing when there is no real news?
The people facing the community have no development power. They relay messages from the developers while taking the heat so trying to get him fired is really just him doing his job. He’s not going to get fired so people are saying he should get fired only look like a fool. The mistake people like him make is being too optimistic with setting expectations. Like someone from dev may have said it may take a few days to be fixed at some point, then it became weeks when they realized they were over their head, and guys like him end up being the ones burned by not expecting the devs to be too optimistic themselves.
It’s very tough situation on who actually is to blame (which in reality should not be some community guy but instead be the highest level person in the company - if this wasn’t an issue which only impacted a small % of PC users while console sales are probably dwarfing PC sales maybe the higher ups would get a little but atm it’s only going to be the community guys who poke their head up and take aggro from the people upset in the community).
There’s still a lesson for us all which is:
Disable AVX on your dev test PCs a few weeks before release to make sure it works lol or you’re going to get a lot of refunds in the weeks following release.
That should have been a lesson for the industry after Cyberpunk. Hopefully it’s actually learned with D2R.
Just in case people aren’t watching pinned threads in general - PezRadar posted an update 5 hours ago:
"Hi all -
Update for today 10.1 with AVX. The QA team is still collecting performance data on machines with and without fix. The goal is to A/B testing between both and ensure that this is not impacting an existing setups. The testing will continue today and through early next week. Once we have more details on how those went, we will let everyone know."
Here’s what I would do if I were in his role. I would request that the development team provides an update on a daily basis at the end of the day with some meaningful details of what they have accomplished that day, and then share the update with the community here. The details don’t need to be super specific, but along the lines of why AVX was implemented, the reasons it’s taking so long to fix, and how they are fixing it. The update can be concise, but have enough information to convey a honest message to the community that that they are actively working on it and paint a picture of how they are working on it. The reason people here have become irate is due to the amount of time it’s taking to fix this and the lack of regular and meaningful communication. I don’t know if the amount of time it takes to fix this can be expedited (the developers would need to think and type faster? lol), but the communication part to keep the community as informed as possible and attempt to de-escalate the situation can, and in my opinion should be used.
Even in a demand food pension you will listen more hate than this forum…
Here we are October 1st…
it has been past a week since release,
my game still will not start.
Trying for refund, only way i would buy it again is is Adam Fletcher is fired.
It’s not all about AVX I got the support and It’s activated but still can’t play for more than 15-20min without at leat 5 crashes on the way