AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

How do you compensate patient players for YOUR mistake?


“UPDATE: This seems to be getting patched later today, or early tomorrow.”

We were so naive :joy: :joy: :joy: :sob: :sob: :sob:


It’s the same amount as you would get at Walmart or Best Buy.

Yes they have, and even what the issue is as well as saying it was their mistake.

whoa… kinda cheap. Both of games (original + dlc) costs about 1100 rubles

I take it the issues have not yet been resolved? /sigh

I’m stuck creating a game and then when I do actually get in it kicks me out if I try to portal to arcane sanctuary

thats totally separate issue than AVX - feels good

Begins whispering… “6k comments… 6k comments… 6k comments…”

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while I wait for this to be updated I will be playing Classic D2

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this isn’t your grandfather’s blizzard.
now blizzard is the edgy cool kid (of the sjw variety) that when he isn’t looking everyone just laughs at but to be nice to him they tell him they aren’t laughing at him, they are laughing with him.

I’ll be here till the end of my days blizzard, believe that, you can ban and silence me all day but ain’t no one ruining my trip down memory lane then ignores me like I don’t even exist.

I ain’t leaving till blizzard sells their IP to a company that doesn’t do this and will never forget the people who got them there and at the very least will acknowledge they messed up and not try pinning it on the fans who walked into this with blizzard telling them they had nothing to worry about as they were keeping it as close to the original experience as possible, if this was what happened when I first played back around 99ish none of this would be an issue as no one would be playing it not even blizzard’s favorite group of people on twitch and youtube.
imagine if blizzard cared about more than the fantasy appearance of a successful launch.
I did see people are starting to notice all is not what it seems with their stock prices starting to go back in the right direction (which is down).

I know right, jeez and when its not fixed we’ll be just as naive won’t we.
maybe they will fix it on monday where we can do a rinse and repeat.
now instead of a week it will be two three four five, and we will still hear,
a few more days everyone.

I can Recommend LoD with PlugY and BaseMod for D2R playstyle in Legacy-Mode =D (autopickup, shared stash, ctrl move to stash etc.) :wink:

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tell that to the people with brand new PC’s that that pc from 2021 is just to old mate, and no no no, just because you can run every single other game with zero problems at max settings resolution that doesn’t mean you can play out game that we said you could play and that we would mess it up because of the disaster with wc3r, yet here we are, and here we are.
still being fed the same line that I said they would say, and they will say the same exact crap next week.

its the only reason I am here as well, and they keep banning and silencing me for helping people realize they need to refund it, there will be no fix, they haven’t even fixed wc3r, how long has that disaster been broken for now? yeah, trust blizzard they need just 3 more days, yeah 3 more days till you can no longer get a non-functional item working and are clear of that precious refund window where they will tell you you had 72 hours and now you don’t, its genius really in a sleazy way only these soulless corporations can dream up.

I have an i7 processor as well but it won’t run the game.


they need to stop the clown world crap and tell people the truth, they ain’t fixing nothing, they can have a millennia and there will still be the same crap of we just need a few more days we know its been a thousand years but we promise we only need just 3 more days, please keep buying out game though folks, wink wink.

november 3021 where the only thing being said on these forums is, three more days three more days.
and you will still get some people who will believe the game will be fixed in the middle of the week.

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who you kidding? he didn’t do anything but a simple copy paste, took him all of one maybe two seconds.


My question: Will we be guaranteed refunds if we try to test it on our PC’s and it doesn’t work when the fix goes live?

That’s literally the only way I’ll buy again.