AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

5head move … could it be possible to create a virtual graphics card with AVX support ?

In fairness, it was made fairly clear they didn’t want to impact the original behaviour so it’s been quite transparent that it’s just a graphics update.

Which to many is ideal as a lot of people would say it’s already perfect. Horses for courses I guess.

Yeah, I kinda worded that poorly, I was thinking that was with as minimal as the graphics update was done and as long as it took them. I was expecting more.

yee if u see smth like that you would actually wish more server issues so that theyre flowered up, too
JUSTICE :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :zap: :zap: :zap:

Really hoping the update today on the AVX issue will be sufficient. I’m not expecting much but we need at least some not vague explanation. I’m a lot more patient than others so I am okay with waiting as long as the explanation as to why I’m waiting is understandable in terms of “A went wrong, we are working on A by doing B,C” etc…not just “we’re working on it that’s all I know”. I feel like not being specific is such a disservice to us fans that had alpha/beta working fine to at launch being unable to play.


Agreed it isn’t great it is not working but as long as they are communicating with people and giving us a general ETA I am fine with waiting

Understandable. Limitations of piggy backing off an old 2D engine, I don’t blame them in fairness.

I suspect part of the “wanting to preserve the game” was also that they wouldn’t be able to get a lot of things to work by today’s standards or quite simply couldn’t wrap their heads round the code. I imagine it’s quite horrific.

Imagine AVX only brings 1% better CPU mark … OmegaLOL

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Gonna try this guys: Intel Software dev emulator for avx]


I suspect you are correct in the horridness. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two more days until 7 non-playable days in a row!

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They should just chuck up a beta server just for us to play together, the forsaken.


still no got damn update.?

maybe this weekend :slight_smile:

Latest update is there will be an update later about the upcoming update.


ye flower it, im gonna start contact with ngx support, maby they can give a workaround for my “test programm” Kappa

Thanks for the update


This never used to happen on my Commodore 64. And, we didn’t have any of this fancy-schmancy AVX either. No, we’d take a game out of the box, wait 18 minutes for it to load on cassette, and away we went. You younguns probably don’t remember the days when games used to work upon release. Ah, the good old days.


FYI, I tried it myself a few days ago and the game still crashed in the same fashion. It looked like it didn’t do anything.

Может кому то будет интересно но AVX Решает Diablo II: Resurrected™ - Diablo II: Resurrected | Battle.net
Пройдите по ссылке и увидите что там рекомендован процессор с поддержкой AVX я много видел тут устаревший сокет 1155 у меня такой же. Процессор стоял G2030 Я не мог зайти в игру. Пошел на барахолку и купил I3 3020 за 750 рублей( 10 доллоров) и тут же зашел в игру. Всем удачи.