AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

Если они действительно решают проблему с AVX, то я за то чтобы патч был хорошо протестирован и закрыл все вопросы связанные со старыми CPU. Я не хочу ещё раз купить игру и снова столкнутся с прежними проблемами.

А вот если они ищут отговорки, откладывают сроки, вводят пользователей в заблуждение, то это очень плохо. Лучше знать как на самом деле обстоят дела.

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Intel SDE can’t run D2R, I don’t know why but if can the fps Will be 1 or 2


I want EVERYONE TO LOOK AT THIS POST. After 1 week of black screens I did this and I AM NOW PLAYING!!!


What’s this about exactly?

didnt work for me check no updates

Had an issue similar to thread title - game started and played splash screens, then crashed before “press any key to continue”. This resolved after setting pagefile.sys to be automatically managed by windows (had been previously set to 0MB after I installed an SSD). The game starts up now and it’s been reliable thus far. I understand this is different from the AVX issue, but it is similar to the title of the thread so hopefully this helps someone here.

Still haven’t figured out the second crash when trying to load a game from the lobby. It has changed behavior and either crashes or freezes with spinning cursor.
Can follow updates on the every-other-day troubleshooting with tech support here: Crashing on loading games online and offline

My game crashed after about 35 mimutes, but it was a great 35 minutes to be finally able to play.

I would use those steps above for the DSA, and the other thing I would do is go into the program folder, and for the D2R app right click it, go to compatibility, and select “run program as administrator”.

These 2 things helped me play after a week of black screens and “unexpected error”

whats your cpu ???

Holy sh!t I got it to work too!
Intel updated my driver to the new - [Intel® Graphics - BETA Windows* DCH Drivers] (Modified 9/13/2021)

So I reinstalled the previous driver - [Intel® Graphics – Windows* DCH Drivers] https:// intel. com/content/www/us/en/download/19344/intel-graphics-windows-dch-drivers.html) (Modified 9/07/2021) and it works!!!

I highly recommend anyone using intel graphics to check and make sure you’re not using the BETA driver from 9/13/21 and to revert !!

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Woot! Too bad it’s 2 am and I’m going to sleep but I’m so glad we finally have a solution. If anyone wants to join and start their characters tomrorow together let me know. I died very fast with my level 1 sorc

What exactly was your issue and what CPU do you have?

What exactly was your issue and what CPU do you have?.

I have a crappy HP intel i3-1005 or something like that laptop. All week it was either black screen on launch or “unexpected error”.

Then did the above couple steps and it worked.

I’m looking at i3-1005G1 specs and it’s showing AVX2 and AVX-512. I have a feeling the issue you were having wasn’t the same as most of us here, but you were getting the same “unexpected error” as us. Guessing that those two AVX instructions sets listed allow the game to launch, in comparison to the most of us. For example I have i7-930 and it doesn’t have any AVX listed. Happy to hear you got it working!


If anyone needs this info from my ticket:

Hey there Aleksa,

This is Technical Specialist J.D. and I wanted to followup with you here.

So I looked over the system data you provided and it appears your CPU falls below the minimum requirements for Diablo II: Resurrected.

Specifically you are running an Pentium(R) CPU G4560 which is which is missing some important instructions sets compared to the minimum required CPU an i3 3250.

Now that said. There is currently an issue where the game is requiring an instruction set called AVX which older processors do not have. This was unintentional so that is actually being worked on and you can see updates on that here:

This may solve the issue for you as well since it is likely the same issue just be aware though that your specific CPU is not supported so you may encounter other issues once the issue we are investigating is resolved. Ultimately the long term solution would be to upgrade or replace the system with one that meets the minimum, if not recommended requirements for the game.

Serious people take responsibility when they make a mistake. Why should we be held accountable for your mistakes? I did my end of the deal, and you’ve had my money for a week for a game that worked well in beta. However, after a week of patient waiting, I still have nothing - for I will repeat it again - YOUR MISTAKE. You should officially apologize to all of us and compensate patient players for waiting for the product they paid for over a week ago.


right question. I have the same problem.

For those of you who crash after the title screens (Blizzard and D2R):

I had opened a ticket for the problem described above and got a very nice reply recommending to uninstall all graphic drivers with DDU (Display Driver Uninstall), then reinstall them. I did and the problem is still there, BUT before reinstalling the nvidia drivers I tried to launch the game and lo and behold, it worked with the Win10 drivers. So this type of error may be some driver problem or conflict, Tech Support is trying to delve deeper into it. Will keep you updated.


nothing to do with this thread.