Auras on Equipment like Dream ain't working properly

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Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil broken.

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yuuuuup still broken! what a surprise!!!

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I think that Blizzard is just going to silence things out now. Like they had 2 months and didnt fix literally anything. Sad but we should/couldve known nontheless


I am actually considering trading my dream equipment to someone that hopefully doesn’t know about this bug lol

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Keeping this post alive because of all the bugs in the game, this is the one that is literally taking my drive to play away.

Saw the latest release notes and no news on whether or not this is to be fixed.

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I have a little hope because they did mention they are addressing bugs. THIS should be one of them.

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This happens with me to. My druid has an insight weapon and every time I pick up an item, move an item, do almost anything mentioned in OP’s post, the meditation aura shuts off for a second and then comes back on, making that “ahhhh” sound every single time. It’s annoying and takes away from the enjoyment of playing.

Bump. Keep this post alive please. Would love to have this issue acknowledged.

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I just made 2 dreams, and i am also experiencing this. This also happens with the thorns aura provided by Edge runeword.

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FIX THIS WTF THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE…basically just bricked 2 jah runes before figuring this out.

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Fix it acknowledge it…at the very least warn people not to make dream if you cant program the game properly… @blizzard

Turning everyones hard work and dreams into nothing but nightmares.

Needs a fix asap. WTF BLIZZARD


BUMP. Blizzard. I made my dreams 2 weeks ago, and ive been suffering through this damn noise this whole time. Now i learn that i’m actually losing dps because of it. As if melee needs anymore bringing it down. You didn’t even fix the bug ‘next hit always misses’ are you trying to funnel us all into playing sorcs and hammerdins? Because that’s what’s happening.

I farmed for these rare af runes, runes that are made rare by YOU, the game designers. The least you can do is fix a very serious bug that involves very hard rune words to collect.

This is still broken.
Blizzard. Come on guys.

Just came to say hello. Still affected. Please acknowledge. Please fix.

Stiiiiiiiiil broken. Stiiiiiiiiillllllll no confirmation from Blizzard.

Dreams broken,
game crashes…
waiting in queue to log into my battlenet app

what in the actual crap is going on with this company?

So much for they care for their customers wishes xD. I played the game 20 years ago as a kid and honestly neither do they care about their customers nor about any bugs. All they do is trying hard to shine in the various medias and keeping their complaining customers shut. I need free Harddrive space so after 2 months of being ignored ill uninstall the BNet launcher now.


Yeah man I hear ya. Post must be 20 characters. OK, I’ll add I’m considering a chargeback on my CC for this game.