Attract should affect Necro minions?

Summonmancer is my favourite necro build, but it does occasionally feel a bit unengaging, especially if your minions are all off attacking different things. If attract caused the necro’s minions to also attack that target, I think it would be a much more versatile skill and give the player a bit more control over how the battles go, and also provide a bit more engagement.

According to the skill description, indeed it should.

And it might, but it’s really hard to test, because attract radius is not very big (6 yards - it’s half of legacy 800x600 screen) AND it doesn’t apply any status effects to minions, therefore their AI won’t instantly “re-evaluate” their target (you noticed how sometimes all AI-affecting curses don’t work, the monster keeps doing what it did before for some time?)

It’s a really underutilized skill so I agree it’d be a great change if the small radius only applied to enemies, but for allies it should apply with with a much bigger radius (whole screen), and force re-evaluate the target

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In all my testing I have not been able to tell whether it does, so I’ve largely assumed it doesn’t, but you mentioning it might be a delayed AI response is intriguing.

I also haven’t found any mods for it, but have zero modding experience myself, so for now it remains wishful thinking, haha

ideally you would want to increase the radius and duration of the curse (should be easy in skills.txt?), and test it with skeleton mages (it’ll be easier to see when they attack the target…)