As always physical chars get the short end of the stick

this post is in relation to
“sundering charms”

finally fury druid can break physical immunties.

but unlike every other element ( except magic)
we have no way to “lower” the enemies resist with facets or gear.
also… physical resist… is by far the hardest to get.

and u can’t just have a plai in your party run salv next to you

cold sorc is… absolutely busted because of cold mastery.

i mean i hate immunties but i feel this is a terrible half-@$$ed way to deal with this issue.

this causes more balance issues than it fixes.

just because you fix one prob its not good if you make 50 more because your “fix” is not remotely thought out.

my idea was to simply change how the 1/5th penalty is applied

no charms… or anything

and i went out of my way to not “break” cold mastery or infinity

every character natively has no “immunities” but if they WERE over 100% you need to deal with that before you can get extra benefit form things like infinity and cold mastery.
while -res gear would always work at all


It sounds stupid that immunity is sundered but with 95% resistance, melee druid will still do nothing to monster literally. And monster will shred him with 25% amped damage.

Physical facets could work. Of course it will be just stronger on caster physical - warcry, tornado compared to melee builds.

Now I think barb can finally shine with Grimward. First monster has 95% resistance, then -120% from grimward. So even Wraiths will have like -35% resistance. No need for Azurewrath or Lawbringer then. Just remove the Fear effect and any corpse used.

or you could use the multitude of gear that casts decrepify or amp damage those both lower phyisical resistance. also based on early testing these combined with the charm are getting the full reduction so a physical immune goes to 45% resistant with decrepify and -5% from amp damage.

ahh yes the “multitude of gear”

which consists of… 1 singular non weapon… atmas scarab at 5% chance

only 2 of which are useable on merc’s
lawbringer and reaper toll
and both of which require your merc’s ai to attack the target u want to kill

meanwhile every other class can stick an infinty and just aoe everything with no “waiting on it to proc with a 5% chance”

necro already has lower resist so he is broken even more… and rabies

“might” be useable? still unlikely as the duration is utter garbage at 16+ seconds

cold sorc just gets a absolutely massive buff and fire elementals ignore the - resists because of flickering flame.

lightning actually be decent
and all of them can now use infinity on top of it with no reduction…

meanwhile physical gets what? 95% resist? no facets, no -res on any peice of gear… and you have to rely on “amp” procs of atma’s or a merc ai?

yeah its a “option”
5% damage is certainly better than nothing… but its not like what everyone else gets.

shapeshift in particular is just made that much WORSE by comparison.

this is the biggest balance change they could possible do and they royally screwed it up