Any groups that actually PLAY through the game?

Meaning Playing together doing all quests and getting all waypoints…

Ya, I know, very outside the norm. But it’s how I kile to play.

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The completionist in me sympathizes with your point of view but to be honest, not all the waypoints are “mandatory” to have. Case in point…

Normal Difficulty:
A1: Jail and Inner Cloister are optional
A2: Dry Hills, Palace Cellar are optional(latter helps in certain situations though)
A3: Great Marsh, LK/UK are optional
A4: City of Damned optional
A5: Arreat Plateau, Glacial Trail, Frozen Tundra are optional.

For Nightmare + Hell Difficulty, add Halls of the Dead level 2 in A2 since you don’t need to go there for the Cube. Granted with Terror Zones, grabbing these waypoints are actually viable now but they’re still “optional”. Furthermore, not everyone has a class/build that can single-handedly solo the game so people rush through it, grab what waypoints they can, and farm in areas where they’re able to do so.

The point of finding a group is so I don’t have to solo the game…

That being said, all my characters can solo through normal and nm, though some not so fast. But hell is a different story.

I know the feeling of not being able to solo the game on Hell but that was the intention. If the game was too easy without enough planning or time investment, people wouldn’t play it for as long as we have(20+ years). That said, if you’re LFG to walk the game, you’re welcome to join me if you’d like. I try to play with friends of mine but they generally aren’t online when I am or play other games besides D2R(which is understandable given games like Starfield exist). I have a FoH Paladin(w/ Conviction) and a Prayer Merc with Meditation(Insight) + Cleansing(Cure), hence am helpful to Elemental Casters and Physical characters in some capacity.

i like the play through but yea is slow

What’s wrong with slow?

I mean, if you don’t like the story, or the characters, NPC’s, dialogue, plot… What are you doing here?