Annihilus charm requirement is ridiculous

1 SOJ are you kidding me, they will end up being worth less than diddly squat if that was the case. They should be one of the rarest Charms to get. But lets be honest the rarest of Charms are perfect blue Skillers or 32020’s etc.

Personally I’d think something like selling 5 SOJ to spawn him in your game only would be balanced.

I had made the suggestion in the past for each SoJ to have a 25 to 33% chance to spawn dclone, but only in that one game. But since I don’t sell my ideas with a boatload of drama, the idea didn’t gain momentum.

I was thinking 1 to 10 SOJs originally . Point being something more reasonable and much much lower. Duping and boting shouldn’t be something I pray happens in this game for this event to happen as much as original diablo 2.

don’t be salty, i have killed a bunch of dclones and never sold an soj… just wait

I like this line of thinking and I’d say that’s a good compromise . Especially if you’re in a group in one game with multiple people selling an soj.

With how buggy servers are I wouldn’t be surprised if Duping would be even easier in this version.

in 2 weeks I have made several lvl 80+ char so I have spent a LOT of time on here past 2 weeks. NEVER once saw a dclone event. So do NOT act like it’s common or happening as much as you like to claim.


Some low IQ’s in here need to proof read their words before they post. When you butcher words, you only show how low your IQ really is. No one takes your point seriously, we just laugh at you.

considering they have db of all owned items, it seems like it should at least be a formula based on number of SOJ in existence. That way if bots take over it can scale. But yeah, rn it is pretty dumb.

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there’s been a few dclone spawns already. i agree it’s a really hard requirement based on something that isn’t really happening (duping) - that we know so far at least - but i’m sure it’ll still be the same as it was on legacy diablo bnet. either get lucky and wait in a game when you get the soj sold messages, or manipulate it with a group

i didnt?
i said its happened a few times. like its happened 3 times that i know of. dont get upset for no reason

Idk I think sojs will become more common. One per person. It’s a community event. I say leave it and see

If its true that there are multiple spawns of uber diablo in the first two weeks after release, this game smells bad. If its the same mechanic like the old game ofc. Probably something has been changed. As far as i know you should sell all the rings on same server (one out of 80 or more servers as i remember) in the old game. And this is achievable only with external programs to unite 100 players to enter same srver at the same time or one player to have 100 soj by cheating. However this event is made so stupid and its not achievable for people that play normaly. Sadly.


I have been playing everyday since release for around 8-12 hours and I have only seen 3 unique rings drop since I started playing and they were only in public games with other players lol.

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I haven’t participated in the event since D2R came out but I think the concept of it is pretty good. An event so ridiculously large scale it takes server-wide cooperation to accomplish.

An actual reason to speak to another player. Crazy right?

I’d say make it across regions, and increase the number os sojs needed to sell. I’m not interested in watching streamers (atleast while i’m playing) or using 3rd party programs, enjoying time with friends voicehatting and that’s about it. I do think this is like the worst event design i’ve seen in any of the games i played. Encouraging ppl to play as a community, but hey how many ppl were there at the first spawn actually ? 100 ppl maybe ? like it’s a community but how that compares to all the ppl playing, you have to watch PapaChrisTV, i don’t know the guy, just found about him 5 minutes ago, but you bet i ain’t watching him just for an item in the game. That’s why i feel like when they say " it takes server-wide cooperation" you would actually have to include a lot more ppl. And making it region wide while increasing soj numbers to sell would make it really a cooperation from players in which they can contribute whenever they want and follow the progress of sold sojs

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But this all requires third party software to accomplish. And how is a streamer setting this even similar to players actually speaking to eachother? “spawn uber diablo” Wow great conversation.


I see why it should be hard to get. But as it is currently it is completely impossible for any regular D2 player to get. I haven’t even seen a SoJ drop yet, and I’ve found Wisp Projector, Nature’s Peace, Ravenfrost, Bul-Kathos and Dwarf Star (lvl 89 sorc).

I mean, maybe if it was 75-125 Manald Heal Rings… I’d be like 1/20th of the way there (just for perspective).

There is absolutely no way a regular D2 player (who doesn’t use cash or certain websites, who doesn’t cheat, who isn’t a huge streamer etc) can achieve this regardless of how much he/she plays the game.


Imagine defending this and not being able to understand the nuances of why this need to be changed…not made easier…just changed and less biased towards cheaters/dupers.

It was discussed already, even VV said they would do something about it, all they did is implement it in Single Player.

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