|Americas Realm|PC| Clan Hell Reapers Recruiting

Older experienced player here, sent you a friend request :slight_smile: Softin#1361. Happy to help newer players or do some MF runs with good people :slight_smile:

Do you guys run in Hardcore

We have several people that play mostly hardcore. We even had to create a text channel just for them in discord.

Hello, I just started playing and would love a community to join add me if still recruiting LegacyOfWar#11706

very interesting clan name indeed played d2 back then myself

Hello, if you are still recruiting, I would like to join:

raymadin#2336 on discord

I play on the pacific time zone and usually late at night.

I’m interested to join. Active player here who plays everyday on gmt +8 time zone.

I’m interested in joining, been wanting to farm more the solo.

89 PSN necro

Bump. We have over 100 members. The last week alone we had the following scheduled events: baal runs, ironman tournament, raffle(with the prizes being 2xIst and Gul runes), scavenger hunt(prize being a Gul rune), & a leveling event. We also had frequent unscheduled baal/chaos/cow/mf runs during the day.

Joining this clan was the best decision I’ve made in D2. There is always someone in discord to play with, and people willing to help out with pretty much anything. I can hardly believe it has been under 2 months since I have joined. In that time my characters and d2 knowledge have come so far, but what I appreciate even more than the high runes I’ve gotten in said time, is the friendships I have made.

added on battle net friends list

Tyrul is a disgruntled ex member who could not handle constructive criticism and is now attempting to libel the clan. We have no member nor any history of a member named Divoc. Feel free to contact any other person on this very post that has asked to be invited what their opinion is, not someone who we have mountains of screen shots showing their lies.


Not even sure where this is coming from. You and another member had an issue and we tried to help resolve this, but you just ended up leaving and taking trash on people that tried to reach out. Best of luck in the future all the same.


Ignore Tyrul, The whole time I’ve been in this guild I have never felt like I wasn’t around good people. This was a post out of spite and pettiness. I hope it turns around for you man.


I’ve joined via a member being friendly and helping me out in d2r with nothing expected in return. The only reason I would leave this community is so that I can join it again!


Hey I sent a f request curious how a d2r guild/ clan works. I’d be interested in joining up.
Although I mainly solo play from inexperience and group play greed currently.
Let me know :smiley:

interested for a hc ladder group
discord lordgoddady#9904

Hi! I would like to join.

Hello DrKalita,

Send me a b-net request Enigma#1576. I will get you setup with the guild. :slight_smile:

Still looking for like minded people to join. Just in the last week we have hosted multiple baal events. Torch hunting/ giveaways, groups going over strategies for ladder reset and random events. Come take a look!