Always wanted a Holy grail stash tab… but now I think of it… it should be a trophy room

A place Gain access upon killing Hell Baal

You can talk to NPC of your choice to select the BAse layout style of your trophy room:

  • Charsi offers you a room in the Monastery for a Castle/catacomb style

  • jerhyn offers you an empty Pyramid nearby Lut golhein for a more rock and sand style

  • Ormus offers you a sewer spot for an underground waterway effect

  • Tyrael offers you a room of similar style that of the arcane sanctuary

  • Anya offers you an area situated on the peak of a mountain with snow

These areas are pretty basic, giant areas with crapload of Interactible armor racks

When you click on them you have a stash pop up that’s made like our character gear slots

It could wether be predetermined spots or free for all or free for all limited to 1 per kind

Ie: Armor rack named Tal Rasha wrapping can only get Tal items

Ie: place Tal set on an armor rack and it changes its name to Tal Rasha wrappings

To access this area it could be a simple cube recipe like to scroll+key stack


Sorry I got a laugh from this one. Cool idea overall though.


TBH, I really like this idea. Brevik said ‘‘you keep playing for the items’’, so they should add some more stuff you can do with them.

I feel like they should also add achievements/challenge achievements. Steam shoehorned achievements into every game, no matter how old, so it should work for D2R as well.

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Oh yeah of course

In an ideal Diablo 2, the holy grail would be a tracked official thing with a leaderboard

Farming could become a fun competition

Now I don’t want it. Thanks. :unamused:

I love the idea OP. The Holy Grail (per char or per acct) would be sweet.

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Yeah, it should be per account per ladder

So that new ladder means a challenge reset but it’s not character restricted