Alternative ways to get more character slots

The 2.6 patch notes are out and it is clear we aren’t getting more character slots or storage for a while.

I know it is possible to get multiple accounts and to get more character slots that way.

Can anyone confirm if any part of having 2 or more accounts and characters from those accounts joining the same game is definitely against or not against the ToS?

If the ToS doesn’t explicitly cover this scenario in anyway, is there a chance that in a few months blizzard can just decide to stop allowing multiple diablo processes running on the same machine?

I’m trying to make sure that if i do buy another copy of the game that it isn’t money that get wasted/lost.

people multibox already, it’s not bannable.

Already bought the game 5 times across different platforms. More char slots please!

Thanks you! Guess I’ll wait for the next sale to get another copy or two

it’s not that simple though, you have to go through quite a few hoops to get both to run

Yeah, I can see that.

I was going through this thread (HOW TO: Multiple D2R Instances (requires two accounts)) to see what would be involved and it does seem like a major pain. I honestly don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to delete old characters and I feel I need at least 10 character slots for each ladder ( I like to play at least 5 different characters and a mule for each).

Asking a genuine question here and requesting clarification.
Thank you.

So to have multiple accounts:

  1. Multiple BlizzApp~Bnet Accounts + multiple email accounts to be associated with said BNaps??
  2. Multiple copies of the game tied to said BNet accounts?
  3. A computer that can handle multiple instances of D2R?
  4. Adept at jumping through hoops…

That’s about the gist of it?

Play offline.