Almost but not quite

So, like most people, I like the changes that have been happening for druids. This post will be about how it’s almost but not quite there.

I’ll start with a little history and then expand from there. Druid was one of the two classes introduced in the expansion a long time ago. Since the time of its release, it’s always been, well… half finished. Fun yes, but never competitive with most of the other classes in terms of variety of builds, usable endgame equipment that’s actually good for druid totally and not just sort of, and skills that are varied and also useful.

Seeing as how druid now has more players interested in checking it out and making it more competitive, we should strike while the iron is hot, and before it fades away to a kind of joke class again.

So first off ravens are in a mostly good spot. I humbly ask to drop the blind and replace it with lightning damage and make them into storm crows still to give druids a source of lightning damage. The blind is kind of counterproductive for most builds. Storm crows would help literally every build.

The summons could really use an attack all button. The summons should have the ability to target and pile onto a single target. An attack all button for them would be fantastic.

A buff to the vines wouldn’t hurt. they kind of are useless in most builds/situations. I’d suggest more hp and damage. maybe more than 1 vine perhaps.

Wolves…the wolves need better AI. No other way to say that. They have terrible AI. please make them more aggressive and go after things more quickly. Currently they are blind and move like turtles. They should be swift and ruthless. Also, I humbly ask for 5 of each type of wolves instead of 5 regular and 3 dire.

Bears… bear needs better AI and maybe fire claws or stuns or other bear abilities. Bear is slow and not too useful really for being the last summon and requiring so many points. He should be the showcase summon as the strongest and last one. Currently he is the least useful. Please buff the bear so putting the 20 points into him is more worth it. Right now other than increasing damage for the other summons, points into bear leaves much to be desired. Also please allow for 2 or 3 bears at like 10 and 20 points.

Onto elements

Tornado’s pathing is terrible. I’d say it misses like half the time. can the things go straight or in set patterns so we can at least somewhat aim them?

for the most part I like the changes to elements. Artic blast could use more damage or maybe a different kind of synergy?

Shapeshifting is in good spot for most part. maybe make hunger worthwhile and maybe make some abilities hit multiple targets like fire claws so bear is little faster clearing stuff.

These are the most needed changes for druids to get it all the way there in my opinion. Please continue to make druid even better :+1:


I think there are more changes needed to the elemental tree than buffing just the right side. :slight_smile: I have been playing fire druid now as my main character and there are still a lot of room for improvements:

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