All characters gone

Not sure what happened, was playing a game, when connection was lost and all of my characters disappeared.

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same issue characters gone plz restore

Same thing just happened to me…

Half of my game time is waiting on servers to be up or characters to appear
I’m really regretting my purchase

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Same here :frowning: restore me pleaseee

same here , all gone . wtf blizz?

same just saved and exited game came back online and both characters are gone…

Yup just happened to me like 10 minutes ago. Still waiting

same here just happened…

Same here. 2 online chars just vanished.

Please restore Blizz. Really wanted to play today…

I"m having the same issue. Fist my cube vanishes with some great gear gone for good. Then about 30 or so pindleskin runs later the game goes black and all my characters are gone.

Same thing just happened to me

all 16 characters are gone… better just be a fetching bug and not really gone. You guys really need to do a huge patch for all the bugs here soon boys…

i lost my character last night but it back after an hour
Now i lost it s again …boring

same freakin thing litterly just happend to me, they “need” to fix it

Same here lost all characters Online and logging takes very long

all mine are gone as well

same thing happened to me and I am unable to connect to servers

same to me. do they even fix those bug?

Same here. Online character is gone.
Offline characters all maps are disappeared/reset.