I found the HoZ for my Hammerdin. I was wondering if it is worth it to use the quest reward to add a socket to this thing? And if so, what should I use the socket for?
I found the HoZ for my Hammerdin. I was wondering if it is worth it to use the quest reward to add a socket to this thing? And if so, what should I use the socket for?
I would but I’m also not against leveling multiple characters for additional quests.
When you do - throw an Um Rune preferably or a Perfect Diamond for the most general use and of course if its Ethereal then you would use a Zod.
I’m not aware of any reason to use jewels/Ist’s on it unless you wanted magic find on the shield.
I have a few characters, as well, so I should have a few socket quests floating around (I haven’t used any at all yet).
I was thinking either a Perfect Diamond (is that the one that adds All Resistances?) or an Ist for the extra MF. But, I am relearning this game and don’t want to waste anything!
EDIT: Reading comprehension sucks this morning; you did already mention the Ist
The thing ideally is that you switch to Alibaba / Rhyme for killing bosses which makes the Ist in the HoZ really really devalued imo.
I’ve never liked the idea of MF HoZ because generally HoZ main benefit is the defense and the ability to switch to a 1pt smite build for ubers.
Lets say you are rich enough to throw an Ist around for an extra 25% MF.
Ptopaz Shako , double nagel, war travs, goldwrap, and a gheeds puts you at 200+ , Alibaba/Rhyme swap is another 100+ based on your level so thats like 300-350% already for boss killing.
The MF on the HoZ just gives you 25% more while killing whites/champions if its too dangerous to weapon swap.
Don’t let me dissuade you unnecessarily though. Some people like to just be at the highest they can be at all times so its not like the Ist is a bad move. All MF % is good %.
I don’t do many public games, unless I just want to farm experience. So since I am more solo-ish, I am thinking that a Perfect Diamond will be my best bet for the time being. I can always destroy the gem and use something else if I want, right?
Yeah you can use the cube recipe
Yes it’s worth Socketing a HOZ, I recommend a Diamond as it’s Cheaper then an Um and you can remove the diamond later when you can afford to put something better in it. maybe a 7fhr 15 ar jewel. ect ect…
Thanks, guys!
Does it matter which difficulty I am in when adding the socket?
No, only the item matters and for a HoZ its only ever going to be 1 socket afaik
After doing some reading, it seems like Spirit is more widely recommended than HoZ. If this is the case, what base version would be considered optimal?
MF Hdin don’t chase FCR.
Spirit setup is particular and it’s for when you need FCR on shield to hit 125% and you still use hoz to cast your holy shield.
Arach + MageFist + HoTo → 80%
Spirit will give you 115 and then you need either a neck, ring, or FCR circlet.
Since you are wanting, I assume, to go MF then you wouldn’t sacrifice the MF to hit 125% and instead stay at the 75% BP with the above items + all your MF.
PvP builds still use HoZ as well since you hit resistances/FCR through rings/neck/circlet and get more damage from HoZ.
If you did make a shield for spirit its going to be a sacred targe because they have the highest base block and lowest DEX requirements to hit max block. Find one with 4 open sockets and high base res ( +40 ) so your Spirit can have 75% res all.
Yes, I am pretty much PvM-exclusive!
Thankfully, somehow with my current gear, I am right at 80%! I’d prefer to keep my hammerdin as MF, since it is my only “geared” character. Tomorrow, my play time is going to get slashed pretty badly, so I want to sort of focus on one “project” - something I can bounce in and out of as I need to.
The HoZ Hammer vs. Spirit Hammer setups are so similar its really only a few stat points separating the two between Dex for Block and the rest of the points in life.
The HoZ setup though is also known as a 1pt smiter (because you put 1 pt in fanat at high levels) and you have a gear swap from your MF switch (Alibaba/Rhyme) to a crushing blow + Life tap set.
You proc fade off a treachery and go in guns blazing. Then when your done you swap it back to your MF gear and go about your day hammering.
Spirit Paladin can do it too but Spirit shields are not good for smiting. HoZ is a very special smite damage range. You overall have to invest less than the alternative where they’ll likely be switching to an exile, or a HoZ (which just means they have wasted stat points, imo), or requiring a last wish and just heavier gear requirements overall.
Not to mention baba comes with 2 sockets so you can drop 2 ists in it for another 60% mf on top of whats already on the sword.
Definitely better to do that than put an ist in HoZ.
You guys are a wealth of knowledge - thank you!
So I am still using a Leather Armor Stealth, Crystal Sword Spirit, and Shako Lore. I got them early on in my Nightmare run, and have yet to replace them. If I can’t replace them, should I be looking for better base versions and recreate these items?
EDIT: Also, I have been intertwining Countess runs with CS clears. I just hit 86 last night. Should I continue to run these, or should I start throwing in Pindle or anything else?
EDIT 2: This is not a brag at all, but I did find 2 Ist runes. I am unsure of the “rune hierarchy” but it seems like this are one of the “rarer” ones - is this right?
Helmet is usually Lore → Peasant Crown → Shako or Circlet. You can upgrade the base item if you find a good grim visage or death mage but its not a big deal because everything coming after it will be an upgrade in stats and defense.
If you come across a 2 socket Archon Plate then you might as well. Spirit is cheap too so just recraft until you get a 35% in that spirit sword.
For non Enigma alternatives you have Guardian Angel, Arkaine’s Valor which is kind of beefy, Viper Magi and then you up it with a cube recipe to Wyrmhide, and of course there is Skullders for more MF.
Thanks, again!
I have 2 magic pieces, a helm and body, with Perfect Topaz in them. Would it be wise to maybe use the helm instead of Lore to get my MF up? I think it is only around 100 - 120mf right now.
Also, should I be adding places to my Countess and CS runs? I haven’t tried Pindle yet but heard he’s a tough cookie.
If you’re playing online, it’s easy to rush additional characters for additional socket quests. I wouldn’t hold back on socketing any viable end-game gear.
I use a 3 topaz helm. My route is usually Countess → Trav → Meph → Chaos Sanctuary.
MF though is really up to you how you want to plan your routes out. The only goal is fast and efficient.
I don’t know if it was ever proven or we all just accepted it but high runes can only drop in games where the seed has rolled “good” so the goal for rune farming is to get in, kill a bunch on the chance that your seed is good, and get out quickly on the chance your seed is bad.