Add /players X for online console

I know it’s being hotly debated elsewhere on the general discussion forums (that I can’t post on), but I would like to request that /players 8 be added to both Offline AND Online for console, but NOT Ladder when that starts. Why?

Original Diablo 2 had a little thing called TCP/IP (LAN) connection, where you could still use your offline character to invite in other people you actually knew (as opposed to randos who grief, boss gank, or loot-$hore). But you still had /players 8 so that it was still practical to get a level 99 decked-out character. That’s still how many of us would still like to play D2R. Without playing with each other. Because sorry not sorry, but I don’t like people that I don’t know. You routinely give me reasons.

Even though LAN wasn’t included in D2R, I can clearly still play D2R with (just) my son, by inviting his character to join my character (if/when the servers rarely work). However, it’s already getting to the point that it’s not fun due to the low monster difficulty, experience gain, and gear progression rate associated with what’s functionally limited to a /players 2 game.

Blizzard advertised an original Diablo 2 experience. As such, due to the lack of LAN, adding /players 8 to both Offline and at least one Online mode is a requirement.

Others may not intend to play D2R the same way that I do/did, but that doesn’t make my argument any less valid. This isn’t “cheating” or “changing the original game”; Blizzard already did that when they failed to provide the option of inviting a few real life friends to join my offline character; it’s adding in a feature that makes D2R functionally consistent with the original.

For the purists that enjoyed the aspects of original that I did not, Ladder should not include /players x, ploot, or any of the various other suggestions going around. Making non-Ladder and Ladder have different features would allow Blizzard to cater to a community this is very divided on what D2R should look like.


I have no strong opinions on requested feature changes to online mode, but your line of reasoning sounds fair to me.

Let’s hope they start soon with that by bringing /players X to console single player at least

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i agree, have ladder be for the end all veterans. offline for solo holy grail etc people and normal open multiplayer for offline characters + players x. they really have no excuse for not allowing LAN. it has nothing to do with security. if it did they would stop selling old diablo 2 and war3

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Diablo 2 never allowed this on the servers, there is no reason for this to be an online feature, this will only be exploited and ruin the economy.

The main thing here is the lack of a core functionality which is available in the original game. Set players to # should be in all versions of this remake.

Sounding like a neocon there, buddy. Lol I’m just joshing, but seriously The Economy ™ is mostly a ladder thing anyway, whenever I used to have my ladder characters go into non-ladder all the stuff that would be worth a damn in ladder was worthless by the time I got into non-ladder. For all that it’s worth, going with /players x in non-ladder would be a blessing in disguise as it would allow people who wanna solo online but have cross-progression anyway to have fun with the game and enjoy decent drops. Not everyone has 15 hours a day anymore to dedicate to running like back in the early 2000s when many of us were teens.

its blizz so /players 8 will get added to the game but will cost 9.99/month to unlock

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If you don’t have the time to play said game then go play one you have time for, or enjoy the grind like everyone else, at your own pace of course, the economy is an everything and ripe right now, perfect time to exploit it with the player8 commands, you know this will ruin the grind.

The posts here only make my point; The community is divided.

Give the purists an online modes that simulate as it was, and give people like me an online mode with QOL features (/players x) that represent what you could do with TCP/IP. Both were features of the original D2, and both should be supported in D2R.

Why would anyone argue against doing something that would add more options on how to play the game? Don’t use the other mode if you don’t want to; it’s like saying the Accessibility Options to use Subtitles is a dumb feature just because you don’t happen to be deaf.

Well now you have the option to play offline with your p8 commands, offline like intended.

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Why don’t they just add crossplay? O wait… switch, never mind.


Cross console play not pc ty.

Just watch a video yesterday of people running bots on PC.

Where there is money and “fame” there are people with skills bored enough to use them.

Players x for online!?
:bell: DINNER:hatched_chick: :baby_chick: :hatched_chick:DINNER :bell:

“What do we have here?..”

/players command or a minimum players threshold slider at game creation belongs in every mode of d2r. Botters, Multis, and RMT scum HATE this.

Well, like I’ve said this game was designed to be a cash grab fraud, the diablo franchises dead, the American and European video game publishers can’t be taken seriously anymore.