Act 5 Shenk Crash

Happened to me almost every time.
I found another workaround by setting “VFX Lighting Quality” to “High”. You can leave other options to “Very High”.

Win 10 Pro
RTX 3070
Ryzen 7 5600


@Cdholysh1t your build is pretty much the same thing I have, except I decided to go down the rabit hole known as WIN 11… But you have the same processor, ram ammount and CPU as I do, and I still get the same crash. I will try your suggestion and hope it works. Otherwise I will try the character/inventory open method. Just anoying when it happens and yeah the potential for lost loot is high.

Still happening to me. Please fix. I can’t mf Shenk.

2.4 still not fixed…

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Happening to me too… months later this bug hasn’t been addressed? Come on Blizzard… This isn’t some minor thing, it’s literally crashing the game for MANY people and disabling their ability to MF this spot…

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After updating my Nvidia Drivers, i’m now also encountering this bug.

I have no idea why it works, but if you hit “C” or “I” etc, it reduces the chances of a crash greatly.

After testing it a bit, I crashed 6 times in a row while doing nothing after he died.
Opening a menu immediately after he dies though I’ve only crashed once in the last few days and I’ve killed him dozens of times.

For clarity, this isn’t a solution. It’s been an issue for over half a year. come on Blizz

I play only SP atm. But i get this random crashes at Shenk. But not only him, at Travincal too. Idk why, because i have a good PC (5950X, 64GB RAM, 6900XT).

Pls fix this Blizzard…

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Come on Blizzard, still no fix?

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8/16/2022 - still happening reliably at Shenk

GeForce RTX 2070 Super
|Edition|Windows 10 Home|
|Installed on|‎11/‎9/‎2021|
|OS build|19044.1889|
|Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0|

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Reliable crash at shenk.
Just have to avoid him.
Can we just … have the death effect armageddeon etc removed? Problem solved.

Same issue here. /20

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I’m fed up with this and the artifacting problem. Both are due to the game client’s handling of lighting vfx, it’s super obvious. Not hardware, not drivers, not OS.

A blue post from last Oct. in the artifacting tech support thread said to report it if it keeps happening. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Every single time.

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Y’all, try setting your gpu card voltage to a fixed value. That solved my artifacting and my Shenk crashes. See my post here: Black box textures/animations in some acts - #58 by cristobal03-1793 - Technical Support - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums

There are YouTube videos that explain how to do this. It’s like undervolting, only you set all points to the same frequency (in Afterburner, you can just pick your point and type ‘L’ to lock the voltage).


Bug still exists btw


can confirm that this bug still exists in 2022


Same here! please fix!

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I too. I’m angry. Same bug since game release

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I haven’t seen this crash on Shenk, but I get it constantly in the Chaos Sanctuary. Actually haven’t been able to get past Hell CS in ladder because of this. It hard crashes my graphics card and I have to hard reset to get it to recover.

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I know this is a necro post but the issue has not been fixed and this is at the top of Google’s search results.

I have a fix for the issue.

If you lower the VFX lighting quality in video options, it stops crashing.