Account banned and curious as to how long it lasts

Well maybe you should think about that before you started cheating.


From what I understand, you can contact them and have them remove the banned account so you can then buy another for the same bnet account.

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i don’t believe so
it has to be another account

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Not that I know of. If that can happen now, it is very new.

Would this give the person their same chars back or would it be an empty acct to start brand new on?

fixed that for you…

glad to hear it. darkjedi posted some useful links to learn map reading, the video especially.

permanent suspension

Why were you using maphack? I say let your account go for good, we have no room for those that want to cheat when so many of us play by the rules.

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and half of those that claim
i play by the rules
really don’t
95 perc of bots didn’t get hit
i know a few that post here

Blizzard is so dumb they can’t fathom how their terrible attitudes and policies have been destroying them over the years.

Go woke; go broke.

go no cheat
or go home

Have you considered writing your own “maphack” and never sharing the code?

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Nope. Not harsh. You KNEW cheating was against the ToS yet you chose to do it anyways. Glad you are perma banned. People who need to cheat in video games are pathetic. Why did you even feel the need to cheat?

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I cheated on myself. cheated on me. don’t hurt anyone with my actions. don’t insult anyone. don’t mistreat anyone. do not humiliate anyone as they do in certain companies. I don’t plan to buy the game again on another account. I’m not going to help inflate a company’s annual reports. I only asked that I could buy the game again in this account but since apparently my actions were so terrible that they don’t allow me then I’ll get there. enjoy the game. For the kings of morality who come to judge others and bully them, tell them that they are worse than those of us who use sad software to see a map. It seems that everything that has happened in the last few months has not taught them any good lessons. sorry for my bad English.


All the cheating accounts go to hell!


Isn’t it a rite of passage to be banned from Diablo at least once. :partying_face:


Now your a man, a many many man!


Punishment for cheating is harsh as it should be. SHAME that “big” farming bots are running day and night anyway lol.


you want them to let everyone try their shot at cheating once? nah. 1 shot 1 kill is the way to go.

temporary should only be for verbal/typed abusive stuff and certain cases of exploit abuse without any hacks/cheats/scripts involved i guess.

like in OG d2 we discovered that typing a series of dots & commas disconnected korean players somehow. that was slightly abused for a lil bit and then it was fixed. those guys that abused it shouldve been temporarily banned :wink:

*i remember that vividly but i cant find anything on google about it. guess nobody cared that much heh

tbf i think altavista was “the” search engine back then - maybe google didnt scrape all that juice well enough.