Accidental delete of character

There is no need to click anything if you want to exit the game.

Just press Esc, Enter.

No risk of miss-clicking anything. No risk of accidentally deleting a character. Problem solved.

You have never worked in design your whole life, have you? You assume just the way you think, applies to all humans on earth. Stop posting in this thread.


This is sad as fu** and I’m upset. Legit hundreds of human hours lost to an inconsideration. Myself included Dravith RIP.

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GG one more victim here, when u want to close the game quickly u just want to press the big red X and then yes. Hope the GM can just restore all the characters deleted recently. As the game only just launched for a few days not any character was meant to be deleted on purpose.

Literally just did the exact same thing. Please fix the button

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to make sure everybody knew how character deletions work, and where to provide feedback on the character delete system. Once you delete a character on your list, the server purges it and there’s nothing that we could even restore. I can understand the feedback on there being a failsafe, but this isn’t something we can help with in Tech Support since it’s working the way it was designed. If you want to give feedback on that situation, I’d put it in #general-discussion.

You guys are taking one for the team by not having your UI design team design financial software or anything mission critical. So, cheers for that! Still a bit wild to not have any backups. So, I guess I can be glad that your devs, or whoever decided to architect “no backups”, isn’t doing anything financial or anything worth more than 40+ hours of my time. I’m stuck looking for a refund now. But, thanks for the reply at least.


I think most people concede the fact there is no getting back their characters. Hoping at the very least, this discussion reaches the eyes and ears of the devs.

Let’s hope that the feedback has without needing to start another thread in #general-discussion in order for that to happen…

Or was that just a polite version of the classic forum quip of “wrong section/thread!!”

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You would think that their response might be something to the extent that they plan on fixing it and making you type delete like in WoW. Probably will never change.


This is an absolute joke and a disgusting position. You guys should be ashamed

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Love people trying to defend blizzard here, probably their support people. Funny thing is I accidentally deleted my character trying to restart the client cause their servers weren’t working lol

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Nope :frowning: I accidentally deleted my 25 sorc… having kids is hard enough to get time out to play lol. I dont think i will even bother again.


Absolutely embarrassing UI. Been trying to dodge that X button since day 1, it finally got me, 88 sorc down the drain , countless man hours put in since release. Literally left game and went to exit as quickly as possible and I hit x and accept. The “X” and no delete option… blizzard should be ashamed with this getting through to release… definitely looking into a refund since it looks like characters can’t be restored which is another lack of innovation on blizzards part.


It’s call an accident. Just like how you are. Go read a book.

After years of playing Diablo 3 where you click at bottom right corner and then in the middle to quit the game, this is bound to happen.
Especially when, in the corner of your eye, you see a red X. Brain thinks “quit”…
So this happens not by looking at popups, but rather by reflex.

And yes, Blizzard is to blame. As they are the ones conditioning this behavior for the last 10 years and then decides to switch things up.

yes it is , when u are doing magicfind runs , and the minimap deos not refresh ( u aend up getting 2-3 layouts at the same time on the minimap) adn u have to close the game every 2-3 runs ( that takes max 10 min ) , it just happend to me , and i lost some really good gear that i farmed for all weekend , after 3 hours of opening / closing the game u can get distracted. lost lvl 85 full mf geared char

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I have just deleted my lv 72 Champion Sorc with my joypad… (I’m playing PC version with a PS4 Joypad)
In Character selection screen, I accidently press Square then X, then the character is gone…
I do think the confirmation should move to option button to avoid this stupid thing.

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i have deleted 2 character lvl 25, thanks UI

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Im feeling so frustrated.
The UI is absurd, it is too easy to delete a character in a moment of distraction. In any browser, a cross means exit

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My smooth brain just deleted my level 38 character trying to exit the game.
I understand Blizzard will not restore characters, but this is a suggestion to add an additional confirmation with typing “delete” to remove a character.

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