Hello friends, I’m back playing D2 after many years even more than decades and not knowing about market prices. Do you have any suggestions on how I can safely inform myself? After searching the internet, what I find are spreadsheets describing valuable items, but lacking comparative prices. Any help is welcome. Thanks!
You can check trading sites, how much the item you are interested in, goes for. Some of those sites have history of recent trades.
I myself use traderie, but I also know diablo2 io.
If you plan to check traderie, I suggest you look “Recent Trades” and see what an item actually went for.
The biggest trading platform is jsp. For bartering look up discord trading channels. For confirmed trades, use traderie.
Its a buyers market right now, unless you have something unique.
You can post in the “Trade” section here.
People do price checks.
Theres not really a standard pricing for much now, because nobody is doing any trading.
I’ve used them all. Any trading platform beyond d2jsp is ALL over the place. But if you go by d2jsp prices, you gotta play the FG game, otherwise it doesn’t always translate to trying to convince an in game trader that your 26 res viper is worth jah & ber…
It all comes down to the current market and supply and demand. For example 6 to 8 days into a new ladder a 10 10 druid torch goes for a gul to vex rune. Now a 14 14 is worth 2 to 3 perfect amethist.
If you want to know just ask most people are polite and willing to negotiate.
Thank u so much guys. I will check it!!!
In trading sites, you can check the most recent trades. Try those that a history of recent trades per item
not perfect but good as reference