kaz, no way dude. I’m not trying to crap on you. just seemed like a lot of effort on your part (if you’re not being paid or hoping to get hired for it.) right diablo 2 attack speed calculators as much as you want.
on the other hand, there are indeed very important things that might take priority over such things. like imminent economic doom, for example. good luck dude.
I used beast on my Bear sorc and it uses the sorcs base frames I’m pretty sure so it would just use the barbs normal frame data. This change they made killed any wolfhowl & beast build by removing the benefit of shapeshifting which was that Wereforms have good attack frame data.
so what ? blizzard dont care about feedback. it always was
You don’t know what blunt means and I find that hilarious.
Yes, I fully agree. It’s astounding how few people are capable of providing constructive feedback. Most players communicate like a teenager at the peak of their hormone levels, overreacting in a melodramatic way.
Thank you very much for this information. The Barbarian human form is at least better than druid human form though. Barbarian IAS should be something like this:
0% 9% 11% 18% 26% 30% 48% 75% 86% 125% 180%
This may somehow make Wolfhowl “stay in the game” rather than being completely kicked out of the door.
In my opinion they should just leave the old ias system as it was and instead buff the skills and maybe some of the melee weapons that are completely useless. No need to change a system that every old d2 lod player is familiar with and since i think the majority of the playerbase have been playing for many years in the old version i dont see the need for this change. Besides there are lots of videos on youtube that new players can learn from and they could actually just include it in the tooltip and make it easier for new players
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true, and is the reason why the answer (motivation number 2) of blizzard’s answer makes no sense. informations are on the internet, many fan sites and other sources. diablo 2 has always had hidden mechanics. if new players are confused by the werewolf ias mechanics, they certainly will be by the breakpoint system on fhr, fcr ext.
Blizz seems to be kind of ignorant of breakpoints lol. Like do they understand that when the druid shapeshifts he’s essentially becoming two totally different classes with their own frame data and advantages that go with it. Blizz seems to want to “Unifiy” their frame data which makes no sense at all because they each have unique frames. Attack speed, Cast rate, Hit recovery, and Block rate are all different for each form that’s what makes shifting skills unique and gives purpose to items like beast and wolfhowl by giving classes access to different breakpoint combinations beyond just being flashy and useless.
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i am of the same idea, werewolf and werebear are the eighth and ninth class. thanks to the different breakpoints, it is possible to become a beast regardless of the chosen class (wolfhowl and beast runeword) and that is why they MUST remain unchanged.
ya ive been playing with different settings, hadnt looked too much into how it scales in the endgame when i was first reviewing this, but formulas can be fine tuned. been playing with using skill ias in the same area and some other options but gotten lazy
edit: i’ve given up on trying to figure out the 2.4 fury formula though. kinda wish devs could let us know what the formula is
Well if they really wanted help to fine tune it they should give us the new formula.
But as the CM post had a very talking down to tone to it i doubt that will happen.
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Even with the Barbarians frames it’s still a massive reduction in barb werewolf attack speed potential by about 40%, so Wolfhowl builds would be ruined too. Basically if they keep these changes all wereforms will die but especially wolfhowl and beast builds.
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The nerf is pretty significant ofc there is no denying that. I was wondering if Grief + Beast Wolfhowl Barb can somehow be viable hence my main reason about asking if Barbar human form is taken into account. Thank you for the detailed information!
Wolfhowl would be more fun and benefit a lot if they gave it +1 Fury. If they don’t nerf the attack speed frames that is lol, with that you might as well charsi wolfhowl which is another big reason that this change goes against their faithful recreation of D2. Killing uniques or runeword combinations shouldn’t be casualties of trying to simplify the game for casual players.
2 videos for you…its in chinese but you can just ignore what they say
1st video was his test for uber with wolf barb 3 months ago
2nd video is his test again for the exact same char in 2.4 setting
2nd video is way more painful to watch, and way more painful for him to finish uber with wolf barb
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Thank you very much for the useful comparaison. This settles it. Pretty sad to see a wolfbarb in this state tbh.
Did anyone manage to calculate the frame loss for wolfbarb?
my calc in the original post can do that calculation for standard attack frames in wereform for any class
Thank you very much
Well when you start using IK maul from the barb set as a viable option, you know you either messed the design of the SS druid or you intended him to suck.