A quick PTR / 2.5 Update

Preach! P8 solo games on bnet.

MF sharing is basically solo efforts anyways by everyone carving out their own spots.

Can always team up if you want.

Other stuff is fine but terror zones changes the balance of the game. Like I said in my own post, it no different than rebalancing a skill only in ladder and ignoring non ladder. The runewords and other items has always been a thing. But if they released act 6 would that only be for ladder until ladder ended? That just doesn’t make any sense to me.

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Agreed. Not adding terror zones to non ladder would be a huge mistake and disappointment for a large player base.


good, nerf smiters while your at it. guaranteed rapid fire crushing blow is lame.

Please consider TZs to non-ladder for old players that want to push all their level 90s to 99!!!


Players put in the effort to test the new patch and found that the terror zones are too easy. However, a lot of them were Hammerdins so we nerfed the build, problem solved.


Would rather wait. TZ’s don’t dramatically change the game. You just have more spots to MF, increasing the chances to find better items which decreases the time it will take to get your end game items.
Must be new to D2 seasons if you need something new to keep playing. I like rolling a different class from previous season to end game content and then quit. Not a min/maxer in a game thats been out for so long and really not changed at all in D2R. Still enjoy it, just want a reason to play group find with friends again.

I mostly only play group found. But they have all stopped because season is over, we have our characters built and are only grinding for minimal power gains. I wouldn’t even define it as patience anymore since I just don’t play.
More like I just want SOMETHING to play. Been a really stale month with all the games that have been delayed, now all patches are delayed. New season would have been something fun.

Add TZs to non-ladder as well.
Please stop season 1 asap so we can have a transition period to sort out our stash.
Fix Werebear attackspeed.


The same guys that complain about Non-Ladder not receiving the same treatment as Ladder are the same guys that will end up buying Ladder Only Runewords from websites or trading for lesser Ladder Only Runewords rather than putting in the work to grind the items themselves. Terror Zones are reserved for the players that put the work in. Ladder has been the end game since it’s existed. Consider yourself lucky that they have even remastered the game and done a damn good job at it.

I see your perspective, and it’s fair enough. I’m not really that new too. I probably have 2k hours spent on d2r and I guess 10 times more in d2 total. What I referred to was my experience in S1, where it took me 6 days to farm for Enigma on a FoHdin, and probably another 6 days of fun and then S1 became stale. I didn’t intend to create more Ladder characters (already have three 93+ characters on Non Ladder). I also didn’t want the 99 grind (only did it once on single player). What I look forward to now is the ability to farm multiple areas and still get experience and a chance for TC87 level uniques, which eventually should get me to 99 without killing Nihlathak 13000 times. To each their own. I don’t mind waiting 4 more weeks for this new kind of d2 experience. However without the TZs in S2, I simply wouldn’t play it at all.

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Right, blizzard is a small Dev team with limited resources and backing of employees and money, sorry i forgot. While other dev studios can pump out laundry lists of fixes/changes/contents every 3 months and during the 3 months of their seasons.

I’m the opposite. Necromancers are already powerful. More DMG buffs will be hammer din & bone necro only ladder season 2.

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So I’m sorry to say, but I’ve got 100%+ faster run walk on all of my shifters (I have several)

This still does not compare to barbarian LEAP, assassin DRAGONFLIGHT, or all players but shifter TELEPORT.

I would be happy with a LEAP, but coding a new skill like that isn’t so easy. It takes a lot more work then just allowing us to use TP in form. That’s the reason I suggest this form of mobility because it’s realistic for the team to actually code it. We can’t hope for big changes… but little, fair ones, are possible from this company cross fingers

Faster run/walk speed still does not get us around walls or over rivers. I mean we do have feral rage, which is a horrible horrible ability (bad ramp up doesn’t last long and kinda pointless because it’s better to stack FRW/Lifesteal and use rabies for 5 frame attack, and even that is kinda “meh” but better than feral rage)

First of all, nerf hammerdins despite immune to magic all because some little fairy snowflake cant learn how to build a character or learn how to use a merc?

This is ridiculous. also take out the tp requirements stupidist thing is doing alts and re working the whole effing game all because some blizz employee thinks that its funny to force a barb to run around in a3 jungle dieng repeatedly because he has no enigma.

they are trying to boost ladder people but they need to realize … they need to support all people playing the game. easiast way to fix this is let players do a /playersx command and they will stop playing single player

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insight shields would be OP for a3 mercs

Nerf hammers
Or raise everyone else up

If I may make a suggestion: Extend the “in-between” time to at least an hour. Here’s why: You’re going to have ladder players in the game during that one minute shift. That’s going to cause problems. With such a close end to start time, that doesn’t exactly give the database time to propogate existing characters to non-ladder with any measure of reliability. With at least an hour’s window between the end of Season 1 and the start of Season 2, you have both more leeway with regard to the database and at least some time to kick players in-game (or warn them they will auto-log out at the end of the season at X time). Transitioning players while they’re playing isn’t the best way to ensure a smooth turnover. Give yourself some wiggle room. If anything thus far with D2R has shown us it’s that it’s better to have room for error than no margin at all.

S1 will literally end the second we transition to S2.
DAMMM :disappointed_relieved: , me waited to combine my stuff, try some gear i drop or runeword i make in ladder on non-ladder Char. We will have 3 tabs to clear, take some time.

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