A quick PTR / 2.5 Update

Yeah, that’s some bull****. Why bring it to everyone except NL players? There are going to be a lot of p*ssed NL players. Total fail.


non ladder playerS have to wait another 6 MONTHS to play TZ ???
seriously GG WP, bye bliz too much disappointment


instead of apologizing like a child, do better. this whole thing is a sticky mess, gross.

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What this game really needs is:

  • currency tab with stackable runes, gems…

  • loot filter or at least a drop notification for uniques and runes

How about you work on this first before you implement other features. Everyone wants these features I listed!


No thanks we dont want Easy stash mod!! or items filter, that is cheating!

Apologies accepted but please take a look on my feedback :slight_smile: It’s middle ground between TZs like they are on PTR (way overtuned) and no TZs.

not gonna suggest to not run them at all (even tho I think this would be the best choice). But I believe that we can work it out and not ruin the game for any group of gamers :slight_smile: cheers

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you are 110% on spot

just with the last ww update the dev really amputated the baba build option and also kill two hand , anyway i dont waste my time here anymore . i just lost faith

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I think the issue is that they never defined what void TZ was supposed to fill, and players like Geezer dislike that they tampered with the uniqueness of the iLvl locations, which I agree with. I don’t know if it’s a good thing that every(?) item can drop in Terror Zones since they’re literally activated for every hour of the day. It removes a little depth from the game.

So are you not interested in the ladder race to 99 still? Or do you think you could be open to it if TZ is a fun mode?

Im disappointed no QoL like currency tab stacking or more character slots.
See you guys in the next season i guess…


These they can implement anytime, so during the season these won’t change the race to 99 at all. So stay hopeful :slight_smile:

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" a little bit delayed " means 1 week , we are now past the 4 months mentioned,

Some overall fixes - ok

Content being added isn’'t CRAZY considering the TECH DEBT has been removed in D2R to add such content

Terror Zones are & should be only exclusive to a seasons theme Online ( Dont delay season 2 more by figuring out how to make it work via single player making more issues )

Adding Some changes should be fairly easy to edit to Terror Zones considering you already have a working compiled Tool set & PTR up with it.

Add Magic Dmg Immunes/Resistance to Terror Zone monsters - Don’t go more into changing a lot of other things creating more issues

Feedback is important - That Doesn’t mean you have to abide by every content creators opinion and delay further

1 Week notice should be good enough for all content creators and Promotion through all social media outlets to inform people of new season is adequate

PTR Feedback + QA should be able to roll out such seasonal themed content with ease of changes ( unless you outsourced QA to a really bad third party, Which could be the reality considering you Need QA on multi-platofrms )

Players have been waiting awhile now & your miss deadlines seem be concurrent leads me to believe there is lack direction within the teams working on D2R or to small of teams with conflicting issues amongst each other.

Still missing the biggest Mark, Even after all these " we are checking feedback " posts, 1 year later here we are and No real QOL Features, #1 being a Item Loot Filter(Small teams of 2-5 people such as PD2 have this) or #2 Trade website such as PoE, PD2 & Countless other ARPGs with the ability to copy/paste and post item for trade VIA JSON. These are the 2 things i have seen repeatedly asked/begged for since launch. No one wants to run around up n down a large pack of monsters or cows to see what dropped digging through trash items / wasting time. Finally, Currency stash tab instead of dedicating your proclaimed " Large shared stash" and using up 1-2 tabs for gems runes. We are forced to Make MULE characters still~

I did not see an outcry for Terror Zones unless you are just simply trying to appease to a smaller casual portion of the community who gets angry at top 1% of players who hit 99 quickly with organized teams/players. What i have seen is more people not caring about the leader boards

Somewhat out of touch with what people really Want/Need out of a game they choose to spend their free time with Solo or with others.

Should be crunch time at this moment & season 2 at the latest should be rolled out by the 29th or 30th - Otherwise your department heads need to consider finding other people and options to lead the development of Seasonal Content & Fast PTR Feedback and in-house testing.

If u nerf hammerdin i stop playing D2R


In blizzard dictionary, lil bit means a week. Very soon means a month, soon means a year…


Yeah I don’t think they should nerf hammerdin but instead just do what someone above suggested and add more magic immune monsters to TZ (and possibly the base game).

Yes, no? Maybe so?


I think not nuff…maybe more imme-magic monsters?

All items except 40 life skiller gcs can already drop in 85 zones already currently farmed. All it does, is make some items, a tad easier to find, most of which, are not used anyways, and many are still completely based on rng rolls that don’t depend of magic find stat, like charms. He made a big deal too about adding more 85 zones.

As for ladder race, never was interested in leaderboards. Heck, I’ve never even leveled to 99, even during the Cow days. I think 96 or 97 was the highest I got then. I’m fine with the idea for TZs, as long as they improve them and open up enough where multiple builds can farm them, instead of it being a build of the hour farm. However, I probably won’t get much use out of them this season if they are contained to ladder only, as my limit for ladder will be 1 to 2 characters, if I even play ladder most of my time will be spent on my existing characters. Until we get a currency tab or more character slots, 1 to 2 spots is most I can spare for ladder.


I agree. I’d really like TZ for non-ladder.

It would be a disappointment to have it only be ladder. Non ladder is a lot of fun.


Is there a level cap on the norm sorceress prebuilt character? I reached lvl75 and cant seem to log in with her…

what do I do with my lvl 97 NL paladin? would I have to delete him and recreate in ladder if I want the same name char at lvl 99?

Nothing about DENSITY?
The Density is abysmal in a lot of these zones.
And how is it an invasion without increased density?
Can we please get increased density in terror zones.