For teleporting to Baal as host can I still be fine with 60 fhr breakpoint or do I need to reach 86? I will Hit the breakpoint for 117 for for lightning sorc so I will teleport really fast just wanted to know if 60 fhr was enough to tele safely or if I need the 86 also keeping in mind I’m in the console version and there tends to be an issue where I’m teleporting but the character is stuck not moving for some weird reason and it takes like hitting the teleport button two - three times before I actually move it’s an issue on the console. So I wasn’t sure if maybe I should reach 86 fhr breakpoint because of that or stick with 60 fhr breakpoint.
fhr is not that important. If you got the 105 fcr breakpoint you pretty much dont need anything else.
Ok great I’ll get the lifer charms instead thx.
FHR matters somewhat but generally it’s for PvP since if you’re getting whacked hard enough to be put into recovery, you’re either incredibly unlucky or doing something wrong. I’d be more concerned with FCR since your Teleport speed and casting spells is predicated on it. 105 is the floor with 117 if you’re Lightning/Chain Lightning(hence 120 FCR for that). Only push to 200 if you truly feel the extra frame will benefit you but again its largely for PvP.
It is unfortunate to see players are still running Baal for leveling, and TZ failed to work as intended.
Devs are supposed to encourage players to explore the TZ areas, but they did not improve the monster density. More than half of the TZs are bad and boring AH…
Edited: 105 FCR is good enough for Lightning Sorc to run Thrones.
I concur that fhr is redundant here be better off hitting max block for the i frame
But lightning sorcs don’t need to aim for max block right that it’s better to save those points for vitality?
Depends on what shield you use.
If you use Spirit you shouldn’t spend more points in DEX than needed because Spirit don’t have FBR. Also, Sprit doesn’t give much block wich makes every point spend in DEX not worth the outcome, but anyway you actually want to have as less block as possible playing as sorc. Especially with spirit you will get blockstunned whenver you teleport into mobs because you don’t have any faster blockrate, I’d rather take the hit and port on than taking another 2,3,4 hits before I can teleport again.
When using Stormshield it would actually be worth something to spend points into dexterity not just because it has FBR on it, SS is a good bost into defense.
Just experiment and try it out, you can always respecc. Keep in mind that the higher the level the more points you need to spend into DEX to keep “max block”.
With 60 fhr you get a better balanced sorc in terms what you give up for pushing fhr. Spirit and a 5 fhr sc gets you 60fhr.
Imo it’s also another thing if you play HC and it will also depend on what monsters you encounter.
If you can sacrifice about 80 hp just get 1 skiller with 24% fhr instead with life and add another smallcharm with 5fhr, that way you reach the 86 bp which can help in certain situations, its really situational. I always go for 86 fhr until I really want to replace every charm with lifeskiller (which tbh isn’t most likely happen quick if you play legit).
In the end there isn’t really wrong or right, try out and check what fits your playstyle best.
Let the Pala try to block if he’s not a caster^^
Correct just go vit.
Practice at 65 fcr with poor gear. You will get good at it!
You will see me doing it on day 1 with spirit, stealth, lore, ancients pledge and whatever I can scrape together for resists and to top off my fcr.
No insight either. It’s not necessary at all. A waste of money.
Don’t forget rejuvs in your belt
There’s no waste of money if you don’t spend money on pixels.
Buying gear with fishyguts is deplorable and only done by lazy people who take no pride in the effort to find, craft, and trade it themselves.
Hey what about fhr on fury Druid? I see people saying fhr is pointless on pve but important in pvp. Is this true with d2r 2.4 ? Or does fury druid still benefit with some fhr even on d2r 2.4? Sorry if this is little off topic talking about Druid instead of my sorc but I was just curious.
True. I meant waste of gold.
Hell yeah buying items is a waste of money… stuff is very expensive early season!
Never mind other people answered regarding my fury Druid question and fhr is not needed for a fury Druid pvm on soft core but if it was hardcore then it would be needed.
I got max block on every class except my nova scythe in hand sorc.
TZs failed because they chose maps that are just bad maps. It’s not the enemy selection, but the density and the amount of maps that are tunnel or labyrinth maps. They’re bad for farming anything, and with no control over TZs, you check the roulette for a map you’d farm anyway, and ignore it if it’s not a good map.
That’s what you get when people who never played the game make changes to the game.
Options are what make D2 great. TZ added a new viable option. But baal runs are always going to be better for watching netflix on the other screen. Which is fine. That’s the kind of game D2 can be if you want it to be.